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ASK- Forum Success Guide: Efficiently using the forums

Adobe Employee ,
Feb 05, 2015 Feb 05, 2015

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Welcome to the Adobe Forums!

We've compiled a list of tips and best practices to help make your forum experience easier. View all of our guidelines, tips, and best practices.  


Search first

Your question may have been asked before. Please search for a solution before posting a new discussion. You can search in the "Find Answers" section, or at the upper-right of your screen where it says "Search forums."

Note: Searching for a solution with common search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo! is also very efficient!


Ask: Include relevant information

Make sure that you include enough information about your issue so that folks can provide the answer you need. See below for tips that can help you get a useful response. Select your product from the menu or dropdown.


Keep it friendly

This is a community-driven forum with input from fellow users, as well as Adobe staff. This is a space for learning and helping, and we'd like to keep it a friendly environment for all.


Tips for effective posting

Title: Clearly describe the main problem in the title, but be brief. For example, "Photoshop Elements crashes on launch since updating to version 13" or "Output doesn’t look correct when sending PDF to Fiery RIP." (Titles such and “Help” or “Urgent” aren’t descriptive enough.)

Message body: Include details, such as:

  • Adobe software title and version (e.g., Premiere Pro CC 2014 v. 8.2)
  • Operating system (e.g., Windows 8.1 or Mac OS 10.8.6)
  • Relevant hardware (e.g., 4GB RAM or video card/driver version)
  • Third-party software in use
  • What you did, what steps you took, what happened at what moment, and what you did to try to resolve it
  • Any screenshots that provide important information to the user who is helping you


When you follow these basic steps, the community can try to help answer your question more quickly. If you get a reply that answers your question, please take a moment to mark it as correct by visiting the thread and clicking the green star ‘Correct’ icon next to the answer. You're helping to make it easier for future users with your same issue to find the solution!






Community guidelines
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines