
Macromedia Flash Remoting Updater Release 1 Release Notes

This document contains the latest information on Macromedia Flash Remoting Updater Release 1. This includes updates to the Flash Remoting MX server product and the Flash Remoting Components described in the following sections:

This Updater is for Flash Remoting MX for .NET and Java and the Flash Remoting Components. For updates to Flash Remoting MX within ColdFusion MX, see the ColdFusion Support site at to get the appropriate Updater. For updates to Flash Remoting MX within JRun 4, see the JRun Support site at to get the appropriate Service Pack.

Bug Fixes

For Flash Remoting bug fixes, see the following sections:

Components Bug Fixes

The following table describes bug fixes for the Flash Remoting Components Updater Release 1.

Bug fixes for the Flash Remoting Components Updater Release 1
Bug ID Bug Fix Description
C-31193 LocalConnection events were not appearing and the Flash player would intermittently stop responding.
N-38046 Local RecordSet objects now throw an "Index out of range" exception for an invalid index. This behavior is consistent with remote RecordSet objects.
N-38310 HTML fragments were appearing in NetConnection Debugger array exception messages.
N-38648 The library's performance was boosted by improving the way in which an array's length is calculated in loop conditions.
N-39125 When using Flash Remoting with ColdFusion MX, the NetConnection Debugger reported that "debugging was not available" on the server if an error occurred in loading the ColdFusion-based resource. The error message has been changed to "ColdFusion debugging information was not available for this request." This no longer indicates that debugging may be disabled, but that it was not available for that request.
N-45129 If unexpected errors occur while deserializing the AMF stream from the Flash client, users may not have received a status message in the client. They were sometimes required to check the server logs for information about the problem encountered. Prior to Updater Release 1, XML objects that contained relative paths to DTDs would cause such an exception. Now, XML parsing errors are handled and feedback is returned in the NetConnection Debugger.
N-45331 NetServiceProxy no longer returns null when using Remote Objects.
N-45473 The prototype sortItemsBy() in was not sending all required parameters to the updateViews() method.
N-45841 no longer modifies the defaultGatewayURL to match the serving SWF's server:port. The Flash Security Sandbox restricts movies from loading data outside the serving SWF's domain, not machine. The previous workaround was to always to provide either the URL directly in the createGatewayConnection method, or use the OBJECT/EMBED tags to provide gatewayURL parameter via HTML. This is no longer necessary.
N-46532 Passing the gateway URL through the FLASHVARS HTML tag was not consistent when viewing the HTML from local disk and from a Web server.
N-47347 The HTML help files available within the Flash Remoting MX development environment now match the Using Flash Remoting MX document.
N-47632 The "Error - Failed to send event. Event was too large" message appeared when the event exceeded the NetConnection Debugger's capacity to display it. This was misleading because the event was sent, but not displayed. The message is now: "Failed to show event. Event was too large to display in console."
N-49296 Automatic Gateway URL re-writing has been changed to support the AppendToGatewayUrl header.

Bug Fixes for Microsoft .NET

The following table describes bug fixes for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Microsoft .NET.

Bug fixes for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Microsoft .NET
Bug ID Bug Fix Description
N-47845 The log file is now in /bin/log/flash.log. Users can configure independent security for the Flash Remoting log file compared to the local assembly cache (also known as the "bin" subdirectory from the ASP.NET web application root).
N-48108 Flash Remoting MX for .NET now supports the conversion of Flash arrays to object[] for service function input arguments.
N-49252 Flash Remoting MX for .NET now supports passing Flash numbers as input arguments to methods that expect decimals.
N-49294 Flash Remoting MX for .NET now supports Web services proxies with complex types that have XmlTypeAttribute in addition to those with SoapTypeAttribute.
N-49815 Flash Remoting MX for .NET now honors the Application Scope settings from the global.asax file.
N-49993 Flash Remoting was losing precision of Long numbers. This has been fixed. However, the Flash Remoting gateway follows the IEEE-754 double precision floating point specification. If you send a floating point number, it will return a floating point with more significant digits. The two Floats are equal when you compare the numbers based on the least number of significant digits.

Bug Fixes for Java

The following table describes bug fixes for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Java.

Bug fixes for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Java
Bug ID Bug Fix Description
N-36858 In Flash Remoting for Java, disconnected RowSet instances are now serializable by the gateway and sent to the client as RecordSet instances in ActionScript. Wrapping disconnected RowSets in a flashgateway.sql.PageableResultSet instance allows you to use pageable result sets.

Known Issues

For Flash Remoting known issues, see the following sections:

Flash Remoting Components Known Issues

The following table describes known issues for the Flash Remoting Components Updater Release 1.

Known issues for the Flash Remoting Components Updater Release 1
Issue ID Known Issue Description
C-20505 Flash MX Authoring test player and Flash 6 Player could fail when there are 10 simultaneous connections from a movie to one URL. The Flash MX Authoring Output window displays "Error opening URL" but the Flash 6 Player provides no indication of failure.
C-26993 When the first one or two frames of a movie contain ActionScript that calls a service function, the checkbox settings in the Filter area of the NetConnection Debugger do not take effect until the movie is run a second time.
C-27748 NetConnection Debugger scrolling is slow when it displays more than 100 events or details.
C-27748 There can be a lag of one to two seconds before events appear in the NetConnection Debugger when scrolling using the vertical scroll bar. To improve performance, select the "100 events in memory" option in the NetConnection Debugger Preferences menu.
C-33516 A NetConnection in a child movie does not function when loading a movie into a MovieClip only. The current workaround is to load the movie into Level1.
N-38492 Flash Remoting example applications do not run properly in the Netscape 6.* browser. Netscape requires the embed parameter and the flashvars attribute. This is described in the Using Flash Remoting MX document.
N-38723 The search functionality does not open for Flash Remoting HTML help when using the Flash Remoting MX development environment on the Mac OSX platform.
N-38924 Users cannot use the Custom setup option when installing the Flash Remoting Components on Windows. This option appears in the Setup Type dialog box during the installation procedure.
N-45503 At end of Flash Remoting Components installation on Windows Me and 98, the Flash Remoting readme file does not open. To view the readme file, select the Start menu > Programs >> Macromedia > ReadMe Files > Flash Remoting Components.
N-47169 Flash Remoting uses Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) date format, which is the number of milliseconds that have passed since midnight, January 1, 1970 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If the remote service is ahead of GMT, that time will be subtracted from the date and sent to the Flash application. When the Flash application attempts to display the date, it applies its own time zone information to the UTC date. Therefore, if the client and server are in different time zones, the dates appear to be different, but they are only relative to the UTC date.
N-47961 The installation instructions printed on the card included in the Flash Remoting MX box lists Windows NT 4 as a supported platform for Macromedia Flash Remoting MX for .NET. Windows NT does not have support for ASP.NET. Flash Remoting MX for .NET is based on ASP.NET so therefore is not supported on Windows NT.

Flash Remoting MX for Microsoft .NET Known Issues

The following table describes known issues for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Microsoft .NET.

Known issues for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Microsoft .NET
Issue ID Known Issue Description

Due to the fact that all AMF requests initiate from a single ASPX page, the standard MapPath function will not work as expected for paths that are in subdirectories of the web application root. To work around this issue, new functionality has been added to the ASP.NET Flash Remoting page control to provide consistent behavior when attempting to use the MapPath function.

This means instead of just using the standard .NET MapPath function:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Macromedia" Namespace="FlashGateway" Assembly="flashgateway" %>
<Macromedia:Flash ID="Flash" Runat="Server"/>
  Flash.Result = MapPath("/default.htm");

Use the following Flash.MapPath function from the Flash Remoting custom server control:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="Macromedia" Namespace="FlashGateway" Assembly="flashgateway" %>
<Macromedia:Flash ID="Flash" Runat="Server" />
  Flash.Result = Flash.MapPath("/default.htm");

Flash Remoting MX for Java Known Issues

The following table describes known issues for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Java.

Known issues for the Flash Remoting MX Updater Release 1 for Java
Issue ID Known Issue Description
N-37815 To use Java classes and JavaBeans as Flash Remoting services, the Java objects must have default no-args constructors.
N-47264 The servlet service adapter does not work with WebSphere 4 due to an issue with WebSphere's Response object.

The Orion Application Server cannot deploy the flash-remoting-samples.ear file. To deploy it on Orion, you must make the following changes to the flashgateway.war's web.xml file:

  1. Open the flash-remoting-samples.ear file.
  2. Extract the flashgateway.war fil
  3. e.
  4. Open the web.xml file in the flashgateway.war file.
  5. Remove the <description> tag and its contents from the <init-param> tag.
  6. Save and close the web.xml file.