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Macromedia FreeHand Support Center - Working with Vectors
Placing points with the Pen tool

When you place a point you define how the current path segment ends, but you also define how the next path segment begins. There are three types of points, and ten ways various points can join path segments. The sections Completing a curve and Completing a straight line help you decide which type of point to place and how to adjust its handles, based on what type of path segment you want to draw next.

A curve point, which is displayed as a circle, joins curved path segments with a smooth junction. A curve point's handles move in tandem to ensure a smooth junction.

A corner point, which is displayed as a square, joins path segments at angled junctions. A corner point's handles can be adjusted independently to create three types of junctions:

When both handles are extended, a corner point joins two curves.

When a single handle is extended, a corner point joins two curves or joins a curve to a straight line.

When neither handle is extended, a corner point joins any two path segments.

A connector point, which is displayed as a triangle, forms a smooth junction between a straight path segment and a curved one.

To draw a path with the Pen tool:

1 Choose a curve or straight line for the first path segment, then place the first point. Placing the first point describes what type of point is appropriate for straight lines or curves.
2 Place the next point to complete the curve or straight line. Completing a curve and Completing a straight line describe what type of points are appropriate for various path segments. The point you place to complete the current segment also starts the next segment.
3 Repeat step 2 as necessary to draw any remaining segments of the path.
4 Click the starting point of the path to make a closed path, or double-click the last point to end as an open path.
The following sections describe the various ways the Pen tool can be used to start and complete path segments.

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