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Applying a repeat region to the HTML table

Though searches often return more than one record, a dynamic page by default displays only one record. This section describes how to give a results page the ability to display more than one record at a time with a repeated region.

You create a repeated region by applying the Repeat Region server behavior to a page element—in this case, a table row. When the results page runs on the server, the Repeat Region server behavior repeats the table row to accommodate all the records in the results recordset. Each row displays the content of one record.

To apply a repeat region to the table row:

1 Select the row that contains dynamic content by clicking inside it, then clicking the right-most <tr> icon on the status bar to select the row, as follows.
2 In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the plus (+) button and select Repeat Region.
The Repeat Region dialog box appears.
3 Specify the recordset containing the search results.
Your results recordset should be selected by default.
4 Select the All Records option to display all the records on one page.
If you think you'll need more than one page to display the results, you can specify a limited number of records per page. However, you will later need to add recordset navigation links to the page, and perhaps a record counter as well as special server behaviors that show the navigation links only when needed. For more information on adding this functionality, see "Displaying results on mutiple pages."
5 Click OK to close the Repeat Region dialog box.
Here's what the example table looks like (with Live Data turned on) after applying the Repeat Region server behavior.
Note: If the table does not immediately expand to show multiple records, click the Refresh button (the circle arrow) on the toolbar.

The final step is to clean up the table's appearance.

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