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Adding the target attribute to the detail page link

Once you have your search, results, and detail pages working properly, you can direct your detail page to open in a new browser. To do this you add the target attribute with a popup value to the detail page link.

To add the target attribute to the detail page link:

1 In UltraDev, open your results page and select the image or text that serves as the link to the detail page.
2 Open the Property inspector (Window > Properties). If your detail page link is an image, you will need to click the expander arrow in the bottom right corner to see the Target text field.
3 Type popup in the Target text field.
4 Click outside the Property inspector, save your work (File > Save), and upload the file to your server.
When you click on the detail page link in a browser, the detail page now opens in a pop-up window.

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