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Dreamweaver UltraDev Icon Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev Support Center - Installation and Configuration
Troubleshooting guide

The command line to start the RmiJdbc server doesn't work. It reports "Bad command or file name."

The java executable isn't in your path. You must add the path to java.exe to your system, close the command prompt window, relaunch the command prompt window (so the path gets reset for the session), then retype the command. If you installed the JRE (some versions of which don't have the java.exe file), and you set up your classpath variable correctly, you can use the following command line to launch RmiJdbc:

jre -cp %classpath% RmiJdbc.RJJdbcServer sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
When I try to connect to the RmiJdbc server, I get a dialog box in UltraDev that says "java/rmi/registry/LocateRegistry".

You aren't using the recommended java runtime for Windows. Please install Sun's JRE or JDK version 1.1.8 or higher. Microsoft versions of the Java Virtual Machine cause this error and aren't supported.

When I attempt to connect to the RmiJdbc server, I get a dialog box in UltraDev that says "No suitable driver".

This is a general error and usually means one of three things: your RmiJdbc driver is not in your classpath, your driver has been mistyped, or your URL has been mistyped. Check all three and try again.

When I attempt to connect to the RmiJdbc server, I get a dialog box in UltraDev that says "Connection refused to host []; nested exception is Connection refused." What do I do now?

You're trying to connect to an RmiJdbc server that has been unsuccessfully set up with the JDK or JRE version 1.2. See the second question above for further information.

When I attempt to run the RmiJdbc server, I get an error message saying that the rmi.jdbc.server.hostname property can't be read and that I have to change permissions in the java.policy file. What do I do now?

You tried to run the RmiJdbc server on a JDK version higher than 1.1.8. Currently, the easiest way to avoid the error is to install the 1.1.8 version of the JDK and retry.

There is a workaround that involves modifying your java.policy file in the JDK. Here are the steps:

1 Find the java.policy file. It's usually in your c:\jdk1.1.8\jre\lib\security directory
2 Open this file in any text editor.
3 At the bottom of the file, you'll find a line that reads:
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
4 Add these lines following it:
// Added to facilitate RmiJdbc with java 1.2 permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.rmi.server.hostname", "read"; 
5 At the very end of the file after the last closing bracket, add the following text:
// Added to facilitate RmiJdbc with java 1.2 grant {; }; 
6 Save and close this file.
7 Relaunch the RmiJdbc server by entering the following command line at the MS-DOS prompt:
java RmiJdbc.RJJdbcServer sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver 
To learn more about permissions and the java.policy file, see the Javasoft documentation and the JDK 1.2 documentation.

I don't have a Windows NT 4 Server. What do I do now?

You can use Windows 95 or 98 as your server, though the instructions haven't been listed here. You should follow the same steps:

1 Make sure a version of Sun's JDK version 1.1.8 is properly installed. Make sure the java.exe executable is in your path.
2 Make sure your ODBC is set up as described in the instructions above.
3 Make sure that the RmiJdbc server is in your classpath environment variable in your autoexec.bat.
4 Run the RmiJdbc server from the command line
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