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Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev Support Center - Working with Other Programs - Working with ColdFusion
RDS and UltraDev

UltraDev uses ColdFusion RDS to manage access to files and databases. When you attempt to establish or edit a DSN connection for an UltraDev ColdFusion site (using Modify > Connections), UltraDev returns the following error message:

If you are running ColdFusion Server on your local machine, it is not actually necessary to provide the RDS login information. If you are using a DSN on a remote application server, however, you must supply an RDS user name and password. (The RDS user name and password may or may not be the same as that used by the ColdFusion Administrator. The actual user name and password will depend on how you've configured your RDS security.)

When you select "Using DSN on Application Server" in the Data Source Name dialog box, the Login to ColdFusion RDS dialog box appears.

You can also get to the Login to ColdFusion RDS dialog box manually by clicking the Login button next to the Data Source Name text field in the Data Source Name dialog box.

Once you have supplied the appropriate RDS security information, UltraDev establishes your data source connection.

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