Capture your travel adventures perfectly with these camera settings

To capture the once in a lifetime moments when you travel, here are some camera settings and editing tricks that will make everyone jealous of your journeys!

Some of us are snap happy when travelling. You may have the time to set up the perfect photograph, but often you’ll stumble on a moment you just have to capture and you don’t have time to adjust your camera. So here’s some tips and settings so you get the moment just right.

A low ISO setting minimises graining

As a safety mechanism, keep your ISO low. Sometimes grabbing a photo on the run generates a grainy outcome. If you’re in a dark location like an underground Melbourne bar, bump up the ISO until you’re happy. It’s best to set your ISO to automatic until you’re going for that setup shot.

Base aperture setting on the subject

Your aperture setting should be based on what you’re shooting. If you’re taking a photo of a large monument, set the aperture low to fit the whole thing in. If you’re taking close-ups of animals at the zoo or an artefact at a museum, an aperture of f/5 or lower will work best. A wider aperture will sharpen the focus and features of what you’re capturing.

Stop the shake with fast shutter speed

Travel photography can be quite spontaneous and, usually, you’re taking the photo with the camera in your hands. By setting the shutter speed quite fast, you’ll counteract some of your hand movements. In your haste, you could be a bit shaky! If you have more time and support for the camera while grabbing a landscape or something stationary, try a slower shutter speed.

Eliminate the white balance... imbalance

When you’re on the move, keep your white balance on automatic. The technology on most cameras has improved to the point where it sorts out the white balance for you automatically. Even if you do get it slightly wrong, white balance is one of the easier things to fix when you’re editing your photos.

Edit your travel photos on the run

When you’re consistently on the go, you don’t want to stop in at your desk before sharing your adventures. With Lightroom on your mobile, you have all the photo editing tools you need to get the job done right before sharing your pics straight to your social feed.