Frequently asked questions about your free trial.

Is there a free version of the tools in the {{substance-3d-collection}} plan?
Yes, there’s a 30-day free trial for the {{substance-3d-collection}} plan, which grants access to all applications. After 30 days, it auto-converts to a paid membership unless cancelled beforehand.
How do I start a free trial of {{substance-3d}}?
  1. Click the Free Trial button.
  2. Choose a plan and click continue.
  3. Create an account or sign-in with your Adobe ID.
  4. Follow the steps to start your free trial.
  5. Download {{substance-3d}}.
What’s included in my free trial of {{substance-3d}}?
The trial grants full access to all of {{substance-3d}}’s applications.
Does {{substance-3d}} work on MacOS and Windows?
All {{substance-3d}} applications, except Modeler, are compatible with both MacOS and Windows. Modeler is Windows-only.
How long does the free trial of {{substance-3d}} last?
The trial lasts for 30 days. It auto-converts to a paid membership after this period unless cancelled beforehand.
How can I extend the free trial of {{substance-3d}}?
Only one 30-day free trial of {{substance-3d}} is available per person. After your free trial ends, it will automatically convert to a paid {{creative-cloud-membership}} plan, unless you cancel.
How can I cancel my trial of {{substance-3d}}?
Navigate to your Adobe account page within 30 days of starting the trial. Click “Manage Plans” next to your plan name, then “Cancel Plan”. State your reason for cancellation, and follow onscreen instructions to complete.
Is there a free version of {{substance-3d}} for students?
Yes, the {{substance-3d-collection}} plan is available for free to students and teachers at accredited higher education institutions.
Is {{substance-3d}} included with a {{creative-cloud-membership}}?
{{substance-3d}} subscriptions are not automatically included with {{creative-cloud}}. While it integrates seamlessly with {{creative-cloud}}, it requires a separate subscription.
Where can I learn more about using {{substance-3d}} during my free trial?
To learn more about the {{substance-3d}} applications, visit the Adobe {{substance-3d}} tutorials page.