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Available products for nonprofits:
Acrobat Pro for Nonprofits: Qualifying nonprofits can purchase yearly individual subscriptions of Acrobat Pro for PRICE - PUF - Adobe Acrobat Pro{{small-tax-incl-label}} per user license (seat), with a maximum of ten (10) user licenses. This subscription is valid for one year from the time of activation.

Adobe Express for Nonprofits: Nonprofits can access Adobe Express through our program partner, TechSoup. Organizations can request up to fifty (50) donated Adobe Express Premium plan user licenses (seats).

Adobe Creative Cloud for Nonprofits: Nonprofits can access Adobe Creative Cloud through our program partner, TechSoup. Unlimited licenses for the Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps plan at a discounted rate.

1) Eligibility qualification for nonprofit offers:
To be eligible, an organization must be recognized as a charitable or nonprofit organization in the country where it’s registered. For example, in the US, a nonprofit must be an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) organization or a public library. Public libraries must either have valid 501(c)(3) status or be listed in the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) database.

Organizations with annual operating budgets of US$10 million or less are eligible for donations of Acrobat Pro desktop products.

2) Nonprofit eligibility validation:
Nonprofits accessing product offers hosted with TechSoup must complete a validation and be registered with TechSoup.

Nonprofits accessing the Acrobat Pro for Nonprofits offer must validate their nonprofit status for each product request. They’ll need to provide the organization name, a valid organization email, and a few details about the organization in the application process submitted to Goodstack Customer Support, our partner for vetting nonprofit organizations. The validation process takes one to three business days. Upon approval, the organization will receive an email with an invitation link to purchase the product.

If the organization isn’t approved, Goodstack Customer Support will send an email with instructions on how to inquire for additional help.

3) Anti-discrimination policy: Organizations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, citizenship, disability, veteran status, race, color, body size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other classification protected by applicable law aren’t eligible. Organizations must be willing to attest that they don’t discriminate on any of these grounds.

4) Renewal: At the end of your term, you must revalidate your eligibility for the discounted offer through the validation process noted above. Once you revalidate, your subscription will automatically renew for another annual term at the discounted price. If you don’t revalidate, or if validation shows that the organization is no longer an eligible nonprofit, your subscription will automatically renew at the then-current standard price, currently PRICE - ABM - Adobe Acrobat Pro {{small-tax-incl-label}} for annual, billed monthly plan, billed monthly plan, unless you choose to cancel via your Adobe Account or Customer Support. If you cancel or if you don’t have any payment methods added to your account, your subscription will convert to a free plan.

5) Whom to contact:

  • For questions regarding your Adobe subscription, contact Adobe Customer Support.
  • For questions regarding the validation process for Acrobat Pro for Nonprofits or any other questions regarding the application process, contact Goodstack Customer Support.