Make selections with a brushstroke.
Use the Selection Brush tool to paint in selections, then apply edits and fills or filters. Plus, you can use opacity and hardness controls to blend edits seamlessly.
Use a brush to apply selective edits.
Grab the new Adjustment Brush Tool when you want to change just one part of an image. Paint on adjustments to brightness, saturation, exposure, and more.
Edit images with generative AI.
Make complex edits in a flash with the most advanced Generative Fill yet. Plus, use Reference Image to create with more control. Upload a sample image to inform the content of your generated result.
Create with Text to Image.
Ideate and create new assets using Text to Image, now out of beta. Zip through dozens of ideas in minutes and combine multiple images into something new.
Crop an image.
Select part of an image with the Crop tool and remove everything outside the selected area, or pair it with Generative Expand to extend the image.
Combine images.
Create a composite of two or more images by placing them on their own independent, transparent layers.