| Make entire scenes from scratch

Make entire scenes from scratch.

Go from a prompt to whatever you imagine. With Text to Image, you can quickly produce custom creations featuring anything from people to places, and more. | Instantly expand images

Instantly expand images.

Extend images in a few steps with Generative Expand. Just click and drag beyond the borders of an image with the Crop tool to fill the expanded canvas with new content that blends with the existing image. | Edit images right in your browser

Edit images right in your browser.

Add, remove, or expand content in images online with Photoshop on the web. Upload and edit multiple file types, explore tutorials, and more. | Make large objects disappear

Make large objects disappear.

Brush over or circle around a large shape with the Remove tool to fill it with content that matches the background, creating seamless edits. | Edit with next-step suggestions

Edit with next-step suggestions.

Click on features right in the Contextual Task Bar, a floating menu that displays next tasks based on what you’re doing and expedites masking and generative AI workflows. | Add and edit gradients on-canvas

Add and edit gradients on-canvas.

Use live preview and on-canvas controls to perfect the color and blend before applying them to your images with the improved Gradient tool.