When (and when not) to use low aperture numbers.

Aperture affects your photo’s depth of focus and light. Learn when to take advantage of low aperture values for higher quality.

Aperture is measured in f-numbers, and it determines how wide or narrow the hole is within your camera lens. The wider the opening, the more light is let in and vice versa. Also, the lower your f-number, the wider your aperture. Learn when specific aperture measurements work in your favor to capture striking photographs.

When to use a lower f-number.

Night photography, indoor shoots with poor lighting, and most environments where light is scarce are where low f-numbers come in handy. When you push the f-number down, your aperture widens and drinks in more light which, in turn, results in a higher-quality photo.

When to avoid a lower f-number.

Although a low f-number can be useful under some conditions, it can also hold you back. If you want to capture a landscape or have your entire frame in focus, a lower f-number will not help. It’ll let too much light into your lens and likely result in loss of detail and a blurry background.

One of the most important photography elements is aperture — but it’s hard to get it precisely right every time. Don’t let this worry you because with photo editing software you can manipulate both the depth of field and lighting after the shoot.

Discover some cool photography tips to take advantage of aperture and make your photos pop. Then, explore everything you can do with Adobe Lightroom to craft more striking images today.