Questions? We have answers.

What tools can I use to edit a PDF online?

Our free PDF editor tools let you add text, annotations, and drawings to documents when you sign in:

• Add text boxes or sticky notes anywhere in the file
• Highlight, strike through, or underline content
• Use the drawing tool to freehand draw whatever you want

If you need more advanced PDF editing tools, you can try Adobe Acrobat Pro free for seven days on your desktop, mobile device, or online. With Acrobat Pro for Mac or Windows, you can:

• Edit PDF text to fix a typo, change fonts, or add new content
• Move, rotate, flip, or add images (JPG, PNG, and more)
• Add bulleted or numbered lists
• Insert page numbers or watermarks

Your free trial also lets you edit text in scans using optical character recognition (OCR) functionality, create PDFs from almost any file format, create PDF forms, sign PDFs with e-signatures, organize PDF pages, reduce file sizes, secure PDFs with passwords, redact PDF content, and convert PDFs to Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word documents using Acrobat PDF converter tools.

How do I add drawings to a PDF?
To add drawings to a PDF file, use the Acrobat free online PDF editor tool. Once you sign in, you can use the drawing tool to freehand draw anything desired, including lines, shapes, and arrows in your preferred color.

How do I share my edited PDF?

Once you've signed in and added your comments to a PDF, you'll be able to download the annotated PDF. You can also share a link to the file online, share the file with multiple reviewers to collect all feedback in one place, or share your PDF by email.