Automotive Dialogues: Driving CX

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You’re all set to get a fresh perspective on how creativity can help elevate customer experiences.

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Session 3: Watch the full Creativity in Motion video now.

Watch industry experts, Scott Belsky and Benjamin Nawka, discuss how immersive, creative and innovative solutions can become the new key differentiator for OEMs.

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Session 1: Next stop – Brand building in times of hyper-personalization.

As part of our Automotive Dialogues: Driving CX series, we sit down with Dr. Dieter Zetsche, to get his thoughts on how automotive brands can thrive in times of hyper-personalization.

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Session 2: Next Stop – Unlocking opportunities in onboarding.

As part of our Automotive Dialogues: Driving CX series, we chat to Dr. Jens Thiemer and Björn Schick to see how BMW and smart Europe are using digital onboarding to help personalize their customer engagements.

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