Create Awesome Artwork Anywhere with Adobe Fresco - S6203

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Discover how you can create great artwork, no matter where you are, using the resources you have at hand. Illustrator and self-proclaimed “vector art monster” Rob Generette will use shapes gathered by his social followers with Adobe Capture to craft a final illustration in Adobe Fresco. You’ll learn how you can gain inspiration from the world around you and create amazing artwork anywhere with Capture and Fresco.

Join Rob as he shares how to:

  • Create and collect inspirational elements for your projects with Adobe Capture and Creative Cloud Libraries
  • Share your libraries created using Capture with family, friends, and collaborators
  • Incorporate library elements into your illustrations and designs using Adobe Fresco

Technical Level: General Audience

Type: Session

Category: How To, Inspiration, Mobile

Track: Illustration and Digital Painting, Graphic Design, Education

Audience: Art/Creative Director, Game Developer, Graphic Designer, Print Designer