Create PDF Utility for Safari¶
Use this utility to leverage Acrobat’s “Create PDF from web page” feature when viewing web content within Safari.
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The PDF Plug-in for Firefox on Macintosh preview has ended and comparable features are now available with Adobe Reader 10.1.3. Previous browser plug-in versions were incompatible with Safari 5.1 that is bundled with Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.6. The Adobe Reader 10.1.3 update resolves the incompatibility with Safari in 64-bit mode and also supports Mozilla Firefox for Macintosh when it is opened in 32-bit mode. A small number of functions relating to 3D and embedded Flash may require downloading the PDF file and opening it using the standalone product. If you have previously installed the PDF Plug-in for Firefox on Macintosh, search for AdobePDFViewerFF.plugin within Finder, drag it to the trash, and download and install the Acrobat and Reader 10.1.3 update.