07_12_2022 (July 2022 updates)
New preferences for July 2022.
This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):
Modern Viewer: A new Acrobat UI
This release begins an incremental rollout of a new, modern user interace for Acrobat and Reader. Users can switch between the old and new UI by choosing View > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Mac) or Hamburger menu > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Windows). As of July 2022, 5% of users have this UI automatically enabled.
New menu item on the old viewer
Modern viewer UI menu item
Summary table
bEnableAv2 |
Specifies whether to show the modern viewer first released in July 2022. |
bShownHomeOnboarding |
Specifies whether to invoke the home onboarding tour when the modern viewer is invoked the first time. |
bShownViewerOnboarding |
Specifies whether to invoke the new viewer onboarding tour when a PDF opens in the modern viewer the first time. |
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAV2Shown |
Specifies whether to show the "Acrobat has a new look" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time. |
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAVShown |
Specifies whether to show the "Try the new Acrobat/Reader" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time. |
Data type |
boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default |
0 |
Version # |
July 2022, Continuous track |
HKCU Path |
AVGeneral |
HKLM Path |
Not lockable |
Summary |
Specifies whether to show the modern viewer first released in July 2022. |
Details |
- 0: Show the classic viewer.
- 1: Show the modern viewer.
GUI mapping |
In the modern viewer: View > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Mac) or Hamburger menu > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Windows). |
Data type |
boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default |
1 |
Version # |
July 2022, Continuous track |
HKCU Path |
AVGeneral |
HKLM Path |
Not lockable |
Summary |
Specifies whether to show the "Acrobat has a new look" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time. |
Details |
Once the coachmark displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
- 0: Do not show the coachmark.
- 1: Show the coachmark.
Data type |
boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default |
1 |
Version # |
July 2022, Continuous track |
HKCU Path |
AVGeneral |
HKLM Path |
Not lockable |
Summary |
Specifies whether to show the "Try the new Acrobat/Reader" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time. |
Details |
Once the coachmark displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
- 0: Do not show the coachmark.
- 1: Show the coachmark.
Data type |
boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default |
1 |
Version # |
July 2022, Continuous track |
HKCU Path |
FTEDialog |
HKLM Path |
Not lockable |
Summary |
Specifies whether to invoke the new viewer onboarding tour when a PDF opens in the modern viewer the first time. |
Details |
Once the viewer onboarding tour displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
- 0: Do not show the onboarding tour.
- 1: Show the onboarding tour.
Data type |
boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default |
1 |
Version # |
July 2022, Continuous track |
HKCU Path |
FTEDialog |
HKLM Path |
Not lockable |
Summary |
Specifies whether to invoke the home onboarding tour when the modern viewer is invoked the first time. |
Details |
Once the home onboarding tour displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
- 0: Do not show the onboarding tour.
- 1: Show the onboarding tour.