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Adobe Creative Cloud

A new era of generative AI.
Built for creators.

A new era of generative AI.
Built for creators.

Discover powerful new generative AI features in Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Express, the Adobe Firefly web app, and so much more.

Photoshop logo


Add or remove content in images with Generative Fill.
Adobe Illustrator Logo


Generate editable vector graphics with Text to Vector Graphic.
Express logo

Adobe Express

Tap into generative AI in the all-in-one content creation app.
Lightroom Logo


Create stunning portrait effects with AI-powered Lens Blur.
Premiere Pro Logo

Premiere Pro

Make rough cuts fast with AI-powered Text-Based Editing.
After Effects Logo

After Effects

Isolate hard-to-roto objects faster with the AI-powered Roto Brush.