75 impressive resume examples.

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1. Examples of resumes with photos.

Featuring a headshot on your resume is a great way to provide more insight for those who are getting to know you or help potential employers remember who you were from your interview. Choose a photo that truly captures your essence in the best light and matches the colour scheme of your resumé. You can always add filters to your headshot using Adobe Express. Make sure that you use your best discretion to decide whether your resumé should feature a photo - some employers may operate a blind hiring process or perhaps the space the headshot takes up could be better utilised for more text. Create multiple versions, so you’re ready for anything.

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2. Computer science resume examples.

Have fun engineering an exciting resume. Take a standard-looking summary and add some excitement to it by adding colours, customising typefaces or incorporating a digital-themed graphic. You can also get creative with your skills. Rather than list out the programmes you work with, consider using icons, logos or progress bars.

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3. Engineering resume examples.

Help your resume stand out among the rest with small, tasteful customisation choices; take your standard resume and personalise it with colour borders or bold typography. Use graphic elements to enhance each section of your resume.

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4. Marketing resume examples.

Marketing is a role that favours the bold and innovative, so let that shine thru on your resume. Impress your readers by outlining all the skills and experience you possess, wrapped up with a captivating design. Whatever unique skills you have to boast in your field, let that guide your strategy.

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5. Graphic design resume examples.

For creatives, a resume is just another way to demonstrate your style to potential employers. Use your resume to break the norm and make an even better presentation of your skills and experience. Let your style shine in your design or create something outside of your usual style that will instead cater to your reader. Whatever you do, don’t hold back.

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6. Web design resume examples.

As a web designer, you probably have a lot to feature on your resume. Use design to help break up all your information and create a clean and enticing visual hierarchy—hook readers with a header objective that will lead them through the rest of your resume. Save space by getting creative - for example, rather than list out the programmes you work with, consider using icons, logos or progress bars.

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7. High school resume examples.

As a high schooler, chances are you won’t have a ton of employment history to feature on your resume, but that’s okay. Use your resume to highlight your accomplishments, relevant curriculum, extracurriculars, skills and interests and anything else that makes you proud. You can certainly get creative with your design, as well. Create a resume that matches your aesthetic or use your school’s colours and logos to brand your resume.

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8. Accountant resume examples.

Accounting resumes typically follow a more standard, functional layout, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use design as a tool to enhance your resume. First, start with strong, compelling language. Be detail-orientated in your descriptions and incorporate keywords from a respective job listing into your vocabulary. Then, use design to make those key points stand. Add an infographic, icons or section headers to help create a visual hierarchy of your most important details.

9. Acting resume examples.

An acting resume might feature multiple sections—one for experience, one for skills or training and personal information. Use colour blocking or dividers to create the perfect layout. If you’d like, use design elements to co-ordinate your resume with the role or position you’re applying to. While you’ll need to include your physical characteristics, you can even add a mini headshot to your resume to help paint a complete picture.

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10. Fashion resume examples.

Fashion moves fast, so you’ll want to create a resume that will capture the attention of your reader from the first glance. Use a bold design that resonates with your style. Then, be straight to the point with your vocabulary. Use direct terms to describe your skills and experience and omit any extra details that don’t pertain directly to the type of position you’re applying to.

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11. Journalist resume examples.

As a journalist, you know all about how to hook a reader. Let your resume be telling of your writing skills and style. Then, get creative with your design. Use colour, typography and layout to break up your resume sections and create a hierarchy. If you have a specific beat, use your resume’s design to cater to that to show your readers you’re the expert in your field.

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12. Social media resume examples.

Working in social media requires specific knowledge of marketing and current trends. Demonstrate your expertise with a bold design and writing style to match. Get creative imagery, be it decorative design elements, logo, customised social icons and other types of icons to support your skills and experience. If you work on social media’s strategy side, think about ways you can incorporate data or small infographics into your resume.

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13. Photographer resume examples.

As a photographer, your portfolio will likely be the star of the show when landing a job or acquiring new clients. However, focus on making your resume just as strong of a selling point for your photography work. Use customised sections for your resume based on your skills as a photographer, including format and equipment of choice, technical skills, professional software or programmes, subject types and certifications. Use icons or imagery throughout your resume to emphasise your best points. And don’t forget to include links to your portfolio, galleries and social channels.

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14. Musician resume examples.

As a musician, there’s likely a lot for you to include, for example, performance experience, principal teachers, professional training and probably quite a few other categories. Pick the essential details that paint the best picture of who you are today and what you have to offer. For the design, think about wherever you fit in with the music world and then let your resume showcase that. Use imagery, colours and typography to reflect your music style or training. And, don’t forget to include links to your social channels, website or portfolio.

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How to create your resume.

Choose an Adobe Express template.
Present your resume using a clean, professional one-page layout. Keeping that in mind, decide on a design that best suits your needs. Use concise language to minimise text, keep your margins at 1 inch and arrange your sections with sufficient space in between. Get creative with your customisation options or if you feel overwhelmed, stick with a serif font and black type a white page for a traditional presentation. Use design tools such as bolding or capitalising headers to create hierarchy and bullet points for the organisation.
Resize to make your content go further.
Gone are the days of having to memorise image dimensions for every single platform. Once you’ve landed on a design you like, you can easily modify it for any printed or digital need using our handy resize feature. Duplicate the project, hit resize, select the platform you want to adapt it for, and we take care of the rest.
Organise your information.
You can begin to fill in your details in your Adobe Express layout. Organise your sections in a way that works best for your resume. Those may or may not include an opening statement, experience, skills, education, contact or recognitions, among many other topic headers. Arrange them in a way that puts the most critical sections near the top and the contact details in an easy-to-read place.
Present yourself.
Be clear and concise with your presentation. Use unique language that describes excellent detail in a few words. Emphasise essential points such as your most vital skills or most significant accomplishments. When making a statement about an achievement or leadership role, provide dates and detail to give your experience insight.
Proofread your draught.
Explore multiple drafts to help you to arrive at the best presentation possible. If you can, have one or more other people proofread your resume to make sure there are no spelling errors or missing details. Your friends, family, peers and mentors will be thrilled to help you in the hunt for the perfect job, so welcome in their support.