Free photo resize for Instagram!
Change your image dimensions to fit Instagram's specs for profile pictures, posts, stories, and more.
Free photo resize for Instagram!
Change your image dimensions to fit Instagram's specs for profile pictures, posts, stories, and more.
Drag and drop an image
or browse to upload.
File must be JPEG, JPG or PNG and up to 40MB
By uploading your image or video, you agree to the Adobe Terms of use and Privacy Policy
How to resize an image for Instagram.
1. Upload.
Upload your JPG or PNG to our image resizer.
2. Resize.
Select an Instagram image type to adjust the photo.
3. Continue editing.
Instantly download your resized image or keep editing.
What are the best sizes for Instagram images?
Instagram allows you to post square, portrait, or landscape photos, however, remember that posts and stories have different aspect ratio rules. Keep these pixel aspect ratios in mind when resizing images.
Instagram profile: 110 x 110 pixels, 1:1 aspect ratio.
Instagram post: 1080 x 1080 pixels, 1:1 aspect ratio.
Instagram stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels, 16:9 aspect ratio.
Make outstanding Instagram posts.
Instagram images should be resized 1:1 square, 4:5 vertical, or 1.91:1 horizontal. Resize your images instantly and share them with your followers with the Adobe Express image resizer, which has all these sizes preset. Remember that your feed will crop all posts to a square, so keep your subject in the centre.
Create stunning and share-worthy Instagram stories.
Images can be manually cropped and sized to fit a story, but Stories on Instagram should be 1080px by 1920px (9:16 aspect ratio) for full screen. This includes photos and videos. After resizing your images with the image resizer, use Adobe Express to add icons, graphic assets, typography, animated stickers, and more.
Design in Hindi, Bengali and Tamil.
No more language limitations! Adobe Express is now available in three of India’s most spoken languages, making it even easier to create everything from cards and social posts to flyers and video content. Design with confidence in the language that feels most natural to you.