Welcome to your virtual staging studio.

Assemble 3D scenes in our premier rendering software. Place assets, lighting, and cameras to render the perfect shot.


Discover the foundations of Substance 3D Stager.

Jump-start your creativity with foundational video tutorials on our 3D staging capabilities. | ImageLink | :play:
virtual staging software

Set up the perfect shot.

Make creative decisions in context as you refine and adjust your composition in real time.

Expand on your ideas.

Use quick and efficient tools to build your 3D scenes. Take advantage of presets to try different compositions and lighting accurately.

3D scene built using 3D rendering software
built-in presets for Adobe Substance 3D Stager

Access a vast resource network.

Stager includes a number of built-in presets, or you can browse the Substance 3D Assets library for even more.

graphic created with Creative Cloud and Substance 3D Stager

Connect your 3D toolset with Creative Cloud.

Leverage the full power of Creative Cloud hand-in-hand with Stager. When you edit images in Illustrator and Photoshop you'll see your modifications instantly. | Photoshop | Illustrator

Showcase your projects with all the benefits of a real-world photoshoot.

Lighting made easy

Enhance lighting with the environment lighting editor or add physical lights to your scene manually.

Diverse format support

Enjoy support for a variety of formats from CAD, to USD, gLTF, and more.

Physics awareness

Set up realistic collisions between objects during positioning and transformation.

Showcase projects

Import a project from Painter to Stager with a single click.

Interactive workspace

Switch between real-time rendering and interactive path tracing while keeping high visual quality.