How to Respond to a Compliment.

Explore the importance of professional compliments in the workplace and examples of how to respond.

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Compliments, no matter how big or small, have the power to make someone’s day – or even week. But it can be hard to know how to respond to a compliment appropriately, especially if it’s given in the workplace or via an email.

Too much or too little gratitude can feel inappropriate and it’s especially easy to overthink your response. Thankfully we’ve put together a helpful guide for professional responses to compliments at work.

The importance of compliments at work.

It’s a strange quirk that affects many of us, but compliments that should leave us feeling proud can often leave us feeling embarrassed. Regardless of whether compliments make you beam or blush, it’s important to recognise their role in the workplace.

Workplace compliments can greatly improve the overall mood and can be an effective way of making staff feel appreciated.

Here’s a short list detailing how compliments at work can be useful:

glitter, flowers, thumbs up, adult, line AND light pink, purple, drawing, rose, cool, pattern AND peach, thank you card, hand, sophisticated, pink AND thank you, thanks, stem

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How to respond to compliments at work.

So, you’ve just been complimented. What’s your best course of action? Swear fealty to the person that complimented you? Curtsey? Try and blend into the wallpaper in the hope they stop speaking with you? If your first thought was any of these, we’re here to help.

The first step is to not overthink it – but we know that’s easier said than done. For a little more guidance, here are some key tips to remember when you need to respond to a compliment.

Examples of professional responses to compliments.

We’ve put together a selection of responses to workplace compliments. Feel free to use these or edit them to suit your needs. Notice how the tone of voice changes based on the seniority of the person giving the feedback. See how to respond to a compliment from someone:

Junior to you.

At the same level as you.

Senior to you.

Editable response ideas to help you say thank you for a compliment.

gentle, gradient, cloud, bold, cursive, rose, repeat AND gift, rainbow, lifesaver, type, handwriting, striking AND thank you so much, wave, sky, typographic, typography, thank you AND thanks

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Good to know.

How do I thank someone for a compliment?

The best way to thank someone is to not overthink it and say what you feel. Thank them and let them know you’re happy to receive the compliment. The best thank you messages are honest and sincere, so follow your instincts.

How to respond to appreciation from your boss?

Depending on your relationship with your boss, you might not need to adjust your standard ‘thank you’ response at all. Usually, a simple respectful thank you note will suffice. If not, you can respond in person or via email, whichever feels most appropriate at the time.

Is Adobe Express free?

Yes, our free plan offers many core features including thousands of templates, photo editing and effects, animation, and 2GB of storage. See our  pricing page for details and to compare plans.