Statements of Work: Why SOW's are important and how to write one.

Learn what a Statement of Work is and how to write one.

No matter what industry you work in, project managers must distribute certain crucial pieces of paperwork to vendors coming on to a project. One of these is a Statement of Work. But what is this document, and why is it so important?

Read on for a better understanding of what a Statement of Work is, why it matters, and how to write one that will protect both you and your service providers or other vendors.

What is a Statement of Work?

A Statement of Work is a legally binding document that specifies the scope of work for a service provider or vendor on a certain project. This includes the deliverables, standards, and other critical details about the who, what, where, and when of the provided work.

Why is it important?

A Statement of Work is important because it ensures there is no misunderstanding between vendors and their clients when they come on board a project. It also protects the client from their vendors suddenly claiming they were enlisted for different deliverables, a different project schedule, or other details than were originally agreed to.

How to write a statement of work

To write a Statement of Work, you need to include the following details:

  1. Purpose of the project
  2. Scope of work
  3. Location of work
  4. Deliverables
  5. Acceptable standards and criteria
  6. Payment schedule
  7. Special requirements

It should also be signed by both the vendor and the client before work begins or payment is issued.

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