How to use a multi-page scanner app with your phone.

A woman uses a multi-page scanner app with her phone to organize documents.

Unlock the power of your smartphone as a versatile multi-page scanner so you can organize and manage your physical documents with ease.

Do you need to scan a multi-page document? You may have a stack of papers that you need to digitize for storage or to submit for work or school. Whatever the reason, if you don’t have a desktop scanner, don’t worry — you can use your smartphone. This article explains how to use a multi-page scanner to create a single PDF document.

How to scan multiple pages to PDF with a phone.

If you’re like most people, a multi-page mobile scanner app can simplify your life by quickly scanning multiple pages into one PDF document. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the scan app and position the first page of your document on the screen.
  2. Hold your phone still, and the app will take a photo of the page.
  3. Position the next page on your screen and repeat until your scan is complete.
  4. Touch the scan’s thumbnail to mark up, clean up, or crop your pages.
  5. Touch Save PDF to save your scanned document.

Tips to scan multiple pages as one document.

Go paperless with a multi-page scanner app.

The benefits of digitizing documents are plentiful, from saving space in your home or office to the ease of searching for and within documents. If you’re trying to use less paper, Adobe Scan mobile app can help. This easy-to-use app makes turning your smartphone into a multi-document scanner convenient. When you have a digital copy of your documents, you can access them from anywhere, anytime. It’s a great way to reduce clutter and save time and money. And it’s good for the environment, too.

Are there limitations to a multi-page document scanner?

Multi-page document scanners have certain limitations and considerations, particularly when dealing with large piles of documents. These include the maximum feeding capacity, where exceeding it can lead to paper jams or misfeeds. On top of that, damaged documents may not feed properly, impacting the quality of scans. The speed and processing time can also vary, especially when handling a significant volume of documents. The quality and resolution of scanned documents may also vary, potentially affecting readability. Despite these limitations, multi-page document scanners remain valuable for efficiently digitizing and organizing documents.

Discover what more you can do with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat online services to convert, share, and send PDFs.