Writing a school excuse letter for an absent student.

A mother uses her laptop to write an absent letter for school for her daughter.

You or your child can’t always be in school — and if a student is out, they’ll need to provide a good reason why. Wondering how to write an absent note for school and not sure where to start, what to include, or how to format it? Learn what needs to be included in a school absence letter to be properly excused for emergencies or appointments.

Why do you need an excuse note for school?

An absence excuse letter for school is an explanation that lists the reason why a student was absent from the class. With this note, the faculty will determine whether or not to excuse the absence or permit make-up work.

How to write a school excuse letter.

If you or your student need to miss school, you will need to write an absence note. You can do this by either hand-writing or typing a digital note or completing a school-provided form. In the note, you must include the relationship with the student and maintain a professional tone. You will find more tips later in this post.

There are many excusable reasons to be absent — from appointments and illnesses to family emergencies. But whenever a student needs to miss class, it’s important to craft a well-written excuse letter for being absent from school.

The best way to write an absence letter for school is to be both thorough and respectful. Include the important details about why you need to miss class — or needed, if you already missed school — and either type the letter or use legible handwriting on proper stationery. It doesn’t have to be long. Less than one page will suffice.

Information to include in your absence letter.

There are several pieces of information that you should include in every absence letter from school:

When the addressee — be it a teacher, principal, or another administrator — reads your absence letter, there shouldn’t be any doubts about the reason, who it’s from, and why you were absent. The clearer you can make all that information, the better.

Adding a signature in your absent note for school.

The final piece of any good absent note for school is a signature. Your signature is your stamp of approval. It means you stand behind everything you said in the letter and verify its truth.

If you choose to send your letter in an email, make sure you save it as a PDF. That way, you won’t have to worry about formatting issues messing up the formal appearance. You can also sign the PDF with an e-signature online to make the letter official.

Is an absent note for school required everywhere?

Generally, you need an absence excuse letter for the school to comply with the standard school attendance policy. A high number of absences can have a negative impact on a student’s academic performance, so it’s important for schools to track and follow up on absences. This letter can help prevent consequences such as disciplinary action or requiring the student to attend additional classes or tutoring sessions.

Even though an absent note for school is required for the majority of schools across the country, the specifics regarding how far in advance you should give notice or how long an absence is accepted vary depending on the state where you attend school. You can find information about your specific state and country’s requirements on your government or school website.

Can you write a leave of absence letter for family reasons?

There are many reasons why students may need to be absent from school, including medical conditions, study abroad programs, a death in the family, and certain religious observances. Absences can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Here are just a few examples:

Tips for writing an excuse letter for being absent from school.

Writing an effective absence letter for school is not as simple as it may seem. You will have to be clear and concise and know what you need to say and how to say it.

An absence excuse letter for school should be written in business letter format. You should begin your letter with your address and contact information, followed by a date and the address of the school. State that you are writing to request an approved absence from school. You should also provide the time periods and reasons for being absent and finish with “Sincerely,” followed by your name and signature.

Other tips for writing an effective absence letter for school are:

School excuse note template.

You can use this template to write your school absence letter:

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

To: [School official info here]

Regarding: [Student name and vacation dates, if necessary]

This letter is to inform you that [Name of the student] will be absent from school from [start date of absence] to [end date of absence].

The reason for the absence is [reason for absence]. [Include any additional details or explanations here, if necessary.] I would like to request that the student’s absences be counted as excused.

I understand the importance of regular attendance and apologize for any disruption this absence may cause.

Please save all classwork for [Name of student]. [Name of student] will complete it in a timely manner upon their return.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me at [phone number].



More resources to work with your PDFs.

Now that you’ve learned what to include in an excuse letter for school, here are some key components and best practices for crafting different types of letters:

Want to learn more tips and tricks to work with PDFs online? Discover what more you can do with Adobe Acrobat to help you create, combine, and share important documents.

Acrobat online tools
Sign a school absence letter online.