How to track document reviews in PDF files.

Do you want to learn how to keep track of who has reviewed and edited your PDF files and when? There are a few ways you use Adobe Acrobat to track and monitor PDF document reviews. What’s more, you can use Adobe Acrobat online services or Adobe Acrobat downloaded to your device. Read on. You’ll learn about PDF reviewing features, and how to track PDF document reviews.

Illustration of a laptop depicting two people holding documents on a screen, with a timer and upward pointing arrow.

What you’ll learn

The benefits of PDF document reviews.

PDFs are an efficient, adaptable, and secure way to collaborate on reviewing document content — whether you want feedback on documents and contributions from people sitting in an office with you, or at a completely different location.

When you review PDF files, you have the benefit of —

PDF reviewing features.

You, and your reviewers, have a lot of tools at your fingertips to markup text and annotate and review PDF files.

Using the Edit a PDF tool, you can choose settings to allow others to —

Setting PDF reviewing permissions.

As the creator of a PDF document, you have control over the changes you will allow other people to make to your file. This includes the ability to edit PDF text, comment and add annotations to a PDF, insert, delete, and rotate pages, fill in form fields and sign PDF files.

To access the security properties for PDF files, after opening the file you can either —

Sending PDFs for review with Adobe Acrobat.

When you send PDFs for review with Adobe Acrobat, you can use the Adobe Document Cloud to store and share your PDF file with others safely and securely. If your reviewers don’t have any of the Adobe Acrobats downloaded and installed, they don’t need to. They’ll be able to review your PDF file in their browser.

Also, not only can you track and manage PDF reviews online, but you’ve also got access to a wide range of other PDF features and tools such as the ability to convert files to and from PDF, merge PDF files, split PDF files, and, of course, edit PDFs online, and much more.

Try it out. To send files and track reviews of a PDF with Adobe Acrobat —

Using the cloud to track PDF document reviews.

You can track PDF document reviews on the files you have in Adobe Document Cloud from within an Adobe Acrobat app or Adobe Acrobat Online.

After you have shared your PDF file, in Adobe Acrobat online or in your Adobe Acrobat application, click on Documents > Shared by You. You’ll be able to see —

You can also unshare a PDF file here from here if you choose.

Screenshot from Adobe Acrobat Online showing shared documents and tracking information.

The PDF Tracker in Adobe Acrobat applications.

With the PDF tracker available to you in Adobe Acrobat Standard and Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can choose whether to distribute and save files on an internal server location, such as a local network, a web server, or a SharePoint site.

Tips for managing PDF document reviews.

Here are a few tips for managing your PDF document reviews —

Are you keen to keep learning? Here are some other articles to help with using PDFs —