Adobe DPS - Reading SDK 2.32

Namespace adobeDPS

Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.

NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Adobe Systems Incorporated. AdobePatentID="2472US01"

To begin working with the API, you must include the Reading API script in your HTML. The AdobeReadingAPI.js can be included with your store files in the viewer or loaded from your server. Once that is done, you can work with the API through the use of one of the service objects. Some examples of available service objects are:

    adobeDPS.readingService         //Used to retrieve folios and to update the library.
    adobeDPS.deviceService          //Used to get device information such as OS or network status.
    adobeDPS.subscriptionService    //Used to manage available/active subscriptions.
    adobeDPS.configurationService   //Used to retrieve application properties and to navigate between tabs.
    adobeDPS.dialogService          //Used to control dialogs.
    adobeDPS.cameraService          //Used to launchh a camera or photo library.
    adobeDPS.folioDataService       //Used to get Folio Data

Static Fields

Field Defined By
adobeDPS.version : Number
The version of this ReadingAPI Interface
adobeDPS.uid : String
A unique ID used to identify this instance of the API within the greater application.
A signal that indicates that the API has finished initializing.
The main model object for the reading view.
The manager that handles incoming and outgoing transactions.
The service that exposes information about the device that the viewer is currently running on.
The service to manage available/active subscriptions.
The service handling the geolocation functionality
The service to send custom analytics events.
The service to get viewer configuration information.
The service to check if this is a dialog or dismiss a dialog.
The service handling the profile image functionality
The service to launch a camera or photo libraray
The service to get Folio data
The service handling the calendar functionality
The service to manage user authentication.
adobeDPS.log : adobeDPS-Log
The instance of our built-in logging mechanism.


Field Defined By
[inner] The status code returned in the update function
[inner] This is the base random Id identifying a callback in the array of callbacks
Namespace Detail
Static Field Details
adobeDPS.version : Number
The version of this ReadingAPI Interface
adobeDPS.uid : String
A unique ID used to identify this instance of the API within the greater application. This makes it so multiple webViews using this API could theoretically be used in parallel.
adobeDPS.initializationComplete : adobeDPS-Signal
A signal that indicates that the API has finished initializing. It is advisable to wait for this signal to be dispatched before any further interaction with the API.
Callback Signature: initializationCompleteHandler()
adobeDPS.readingService : adobeDPS-ReadingService
The main model object for the reading view.
adobeDPS.transactionManager : adobeDPS-TransactionManager
The manager that handles incoming and outgoing transactions.
adobeDPS.deviceService : adobeDPS-DeviceService
The service that exposes information about the device that the viewer is currently running on.
adobeDPS.subscriptionService : adobeDPS-SubscriptionService
The service to manage available/active subscriptions.
adobeDPS.geolocation : adobeDPS-GeolocationService
The service handling the geolocation functionality
adobeDPS.analyticsService : adobeDPS-AnalyticsService
The service to send custom analytics events.
adobeDPS.configurationService : adobeDPS-ConfigurationService
The service to get viewer configuration information.
adobeDPS.dialogService : adobeDPS-DialogService
The service to check if this is a dialog or dismiss a dialog.
adobeDPS.profileImageService : adobeDPS-ProfileImageService
The service handling the profile image functionality
adobeDPS.cameraService : adobeDPS-CameraService
The service to launch a camera or photo libraray
adobeDPS.folioDataService : adobeDPS-FolioDataService
The service to get Folio data
adobeDPS.calendarService : adobeDPS-CalendarService
The service handling the calendar functionality
adobeDPS.authenticationService : adobeDPS-AuthenticationService
The service to manage user authentication.
adobeDPS.log : adobeDPS-Log
The instance of our built-in logging mechanism.
Field Details
[inner] The status code returned in the update function
[inner] This is the base random Id identifying a callback in the array of callbacks
©2012-2013 Adobe Systems, inc
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Aug 31 2015 09:23:39 GMT-0700 (PDT)