Global Human Rights Policy



At Adobe, we are working to empower everyone with our creative, marketing, and document solutions, and we do so from a foundation of integrity and ethical conduct. As a leading software technology company with worldwide operations and a global footprint, we recognize the important role that Adobe has in respecting human rights, through our employees, business partners and suppliers, and customers.


Our Employees

Our most valuable asset is our talent and we believe that our success as a company is achieved with a broad mixture of ideas, perspectives, and backgrounds in our employees. With more than half ofour employees located outside of the United States, we are proud to be a global company with a diverse workforce. We soutien our employees and are committed to respecting their fundamental rights at work.

  • We do not accept forced, indentured, or prison labor.
  • We do not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment against anyone on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, or other classification protected by applicable law. 
  • We comply with local minimum age laws and requirements and do not employ child labor.
  • We protect our personnel from harassment and any conduct that may foster an offensive or hostile work environment, including unwelcome or unsolicited sexual advances, threats of physical harm or violent behavior, and use of discriminatory slurs or inappropriate remarks or jokes.


We will promptly investigate any reports of harassment, discrimination, or workplace violence and take corrective action as needed. Adobe will not retaliate for production de rapports a concern or allegation in good faith. Retaliation is prohibited by our company policies and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or affiliation with Adobe.


We encourage employees who observe, are informed of, or experience harassment or a violation of our Code of Business Conduct, to talk to their
supérieur, a People Resources representative (, the Compliance Office (, or submit a report using the Adobe Business Ethics Hotline (1-800-300-1026) where the option exists to remain anonymous to the extent permitted by applicable law.


As part of our commitment to human rights and anti-corruption, we require all Adobe employees to complete an Adobe Conflicts of Interest questionnaire in line with our Conflicts of Interest Policy Statement.


In addition, Adobe requires that any employee responsible for supply chain management complete a training course on how to recognize the potential risks of human trafficking in a business and how to identify actions that can be taken to address potential risks. 


Our Business Partners and Suppliers

Adobe's Business Partner Code of Conduct articulates our foundation of integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct and is our promise to do the right thing. As a company, our core values depend not only on our employees but also upon forming relationships with business partners from around the world who share our commitment to ethical business practices. The Adobe Business Partner Code of Conduct articulates our own commitment and our expectations of our business partners. It also reflects our soutien for the Code of Conduct established by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.


Adobe also upholds standards that require our business partners to treat their own employees fairly in accordance with local laws and regulations regarding labor and employment, including slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain. Adobe's statements of disclosure articulate our policies and practices around recognizing and preventing human trafficking and slavery, in accordance with various requirements around the world. Read the UK Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement, the Australia Modern Slavery Act Statement, and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Statement.


Adobe may audit compliance with our Business Partner Code of Conduct or may have a third-party conduct the audit. A violation of our Business Partner Code of Conduct can result in corrective action or termination of a relationship with Adobe. 


Our Customers

As a software company, Adobe is a steward of data for our employees, vendors, customers, and any other third parties we do business with. Trust is important to us and we take this responsibility seriously. We comply with applicable global data protection and privacy laws to protect confidential information that is entrusted to us.


Our Privacy Policy and Privacy Center explains how we access, collect, use, share, transfer, and store this information as permitted by law and in accordance with our privacy policies. All of our employees, contractors, and vendors are required to abide by our Privacy Policy.


If you have a privacy question or complaint, please courriel us at:

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