Frequently asked questions about your free trial.

Is there a free version of Adobe {{indesign}}?
Yes, you can download a 7-day free trial of {{indesign}}. The free trial is the official full version of the app. It includes all the features and updates in the latest version of {{indesign}}. Your trial will automatically convert to a paid {{creative-cloud-single-app}} membership after 7 days, unless you cancel before then.
Will this InDesign free trial work on macOS and Windows?
Yes, the InDesign free trial works on macOS, iPadOS, and Windows. See system requirements.
How long does the {{indesign}} free trial last?
Your free trial starts when you check out, and it lasts for seven days. The trial will automatically convert to a paid {{creative-cloud-single-app}} membership when it’s complete, unless you cancel before then.
How can I extend the free trial of {{indesign}}?
Only one 7-day free trial of {{indesign}} is available per person. After your free trial ends, it will automatically convert to a paid {{creative-cloud}} membership plan, unless you cancel.
How can I cancel the {{indesign}} free trial?
To cancel your {{indesign}} free trial, navigate to your Adobe account page within 7 days of starting the trial. Locate your plan name and click Manage Plans. Then click Cancel Plan. Indicate your cancellation reason, and then click Continue. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish your cancellation. Get step-by-step cancellation instructions.
Do students get a discount if they decide to purchase after the free trial?
Single App plans do not offer student discounts. But eligible students and teachers can save more than {{percentage-discount-ste}} on the {{creative-cloud-all-apps}} plan, which includes {{indesign}} and 20+ creative apps. Get more details on {{creative-cloud}} pricing for students.
Can I download the {{indesign}} free trial to my phone?
No, the free trial is only available for desktop and iPad. Adobe does offer a collection of free mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Explore all Creative Cloud products for mobile.
Can I get {{indesign}} without a Creative Cloud membership?
No, {{indesign}} is available only as part of a {{creative-cloud}} membership. You can choose a Single App plan with {{indesign}} only or a plan that includes more apps. We offer {{creative-cloud}} plans for individuals, students and teachers, photographers, institutions, and businesses. Explore all Creative Cloud plans.
Where can I learn {{indesign}} for free?
Adobe offers dozens of free tutorials for {{indesign}}, no matter your experience level. Make sure to download the 7-day free trial, and then start exploring {{indesign}} tutorials.