Photo transferring for easy editing.

Learn to transfer photos to increase your editing efficiency and add more options to your post-production toolkit.

If you’re looking for an efficient way to both organize and transfer your photos, consider using photo editing apps. They can not only enhance your creative options but also help you share your work, whether you’re in the studio or on the road.

3 ways to transfer your photos between devices.

After you’ve completed your editing, you can share the photos or export them in a variety of ways. For example:

How to transfer photos between Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

Sometimes two is better than one. Photographers often use photo tools and editing software, such as Photoshop and Lightroom, together to make the process even easier. Here’s how to make that happen:

  • Photos imported from Lightroom and saved in Photoshop are also automatically added to Lightroom. The original photo is also saved.
  • Edits to JPEG and RAW files made in Lightroom will remain when you transfer them into Photoshop.
  • You can continue to transfer your photos in between Lightroom and Photoshop.

Discover more great photography tips for photographers of all skill levels. Learn how to make post-production editing a seamless process using Lightroom and Photoshop.