How to write a commercial script.

Video advertising is everywhere, and content creators who can write effective scripts for commercials are in high demand.

Mark Twain famously said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” This quote perfectly conveys the challenge faced by commercial scriptwriters. It takes practice to learn how to say what you need to — but in a concise way.

Writing a commercial script step by step.

Like many creative projects, it’s often wise to begin at the end. Although editing and mixing the audio are the last steps in the process, it’s a good idea to know what your editing software can do before you begin.

Unless you’re using full-featured video editing software, you’ll find there are certain constraints that dictate how to record a commercial script. Understanding your editing features beforehand will help you avoid major revisions down the road.

Know your commercial script editing software.

Commercial scripts are often more challenging than others because they must be concise. You’ll only have 15–60 seconds to capture the audience’s attention and tell a story — all while keeping them entertained.

Focus on the commercial’s central message when you begin. Resist trying to get more than one primary point across. A commercial script should have a primary message, such as a product’s benefit or a company’s offering. Secondary or other ancillary messages can be conveyed with the visual components.

Format your commercial script.

Scripts for commercials are created using two columns on a page. On the left side of the page is a description of the visual elements — what your audience will see. On the right side is where you put the audio components — what your audience will hear.

This allows you to easily make changes and revisions as you move your script from conceptual design to the final deliverable. Take your skills to the next level — explore everything you can do with Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software today.