How to make a how-to video.

Follow these quick tips to make a clear, helpful tutorial video.

A how-to article about how-to videos sounds pretty meta, doesn’t it? But you’re reading this because how-to content is helpful. And how-to videos are a simple way to teach other people how to do something.

So if you want to share your knowledge with the world quickly and efficiently, follow these tips for making your own how-to video.

Know your topic.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but your how-to video should be about a subject you’re a real expert on. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, people will notice. Before you shoot your how-to video, make sure you know the content, and make sure that you’ve planned out how you want to explain it.

Plan your presentation.

Since you’re using video, your how-to content should be very visual. Consider doing a video demonstration or using graphics to illustrate what you’re talking about. Break down your content into easy-to-follow steps and quick tip tidbits. Think about those cooking demos you see when you scroll through Instagram. Appealing visuals, easy-to-follow video, and descriptive text overlay all make these videos simple and compelling.

Shoot and edit your how-to video.

Once you know your information and have planned how you want to present it, it’s time to shoot and edit your how-to video.

Explore what more you can do with Adobe Premiere Pro to make a high-quality how-to video that will engage viewers and teach them something new.