Creative Ways to Share Your Recipes

Recipes from friends and family members represent so much more than the ingredients and steps of any given dish; they are like little souvenirs of experiences with loved ones, and using them is a way to pay tribute and keep special memories alive. But these days, the warm, personal touch of old-fashioned recipe sharing is often replaced by a sterile statement of convenience, such as: “I improvised off of a recipe I found on the internet; I’ll send you the link.”

With the help of Creative Cloud Express, it’s easy to embrace the convenience of sharing a recipe digitally while still making it personal, special, and worth sharing. Today we’ll look at a handful of creative ways to showcase and share your recipes, from easily customizable templates in Creative Cloud Express to more detailed examples in Page and Video. Let the culinary inspiration wash over you, then get cooking and sharing!

Create Modern Recipe Cards with Creative Cloud Express

The beauty of recipe cards made in Adobe Creative Cloud Express is their versatility. Customize them with mouth-watering photos of your finished dish, and select colors that evoke the season or emphasize your key ingredients. One-tap resize makes it easy to share the creations on social media, or, for old-time’s-sake, print them out for a few lucky recipients to treasure. These beautiful recipe cards are the gift that keep on giving.

Create from Template

Create from Template
Create from Template
Create from Template
Create from Template
Create from Template

Feed the Newsfeed with Video

Some of the most popular content on social media are cooking videos and tutorials. We love how blogger and home chef extraordinaire Julie Tran Deily of The Little Kitchen shares insights into her kitchen with video on social media. Using text on screen, video clips, and photos, she breaks down her how-tos into bite-size pieces and then links to more in-depth tutorials on her blog.

How to Cook a Whole Turkey in a Slow Cooker

How to cook a Whole Turkey in a Slow Cooker!It's really easy and you free up your oven for those amazing sides and pies! :Dhere's the recipe –>

Posted by The Little Kitchen on Sunday, November 11, 2018

Related: How to Make Addictive Cooking Videos for Social Media

Tell a Culinary Story with Creative Cloud Express

**Sometimes there’s more to share than what fits on a Post. That’s when Creative Cloud Express comes in handy. Utilize the full-page photo spreads to whet your readers’ appetites and to highlight not only the finished product, but the steps along the way. Take a look at a few stand-out examples from Creative Cloud Express users.

Adobe Spark Page

Adobe Spark Page

Adobe Spark Page

Are you cooking up good content? Tag your most delicious posts with #adobespark and we’ll pass around our favorites.

Photo by Pablo Lancaster Jones on Unsplash