Acrobat Sign | Microsoft Dynamics 365 and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Close deals and book revenue at digital speed.

Add Acrobat Sign to Microsoft Dynamics 365, with insights from LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Create all-digital workflows that free you to spend more time building customer relationships.

Speed signing with Acrobat Sign, Dynamics 365 and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Acrobat Sign works seamlessly with Dynamics 365 for Sales and Sales Hub, Online and On-Prem to help you close deals faster, reduce risk and increase retention.

Click, send and sign on-the-go. Send contracts, agreements and other documents for signature anywhere, any time, on any device with Dynamics 365 for Sales Hub.

Minimise errors and validate contract recipients. Merge data from Dynamics entities into contracts and leverage integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator to confirm that the recipient is the right person to sign and close the opportunity before sending. Push data from the signers back into Dynamics.

Close business faster. Completely automate your quote-to-cash process by embedding Acrobat Sign into multistep Microsoft Dynamics workflows.

Track and manage automatically. Keep track of document status throughout the signing process. Automatically attach signed documents and audit trails to the relevant entity.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 e-signatures

Lifetime Training

"Now, with Acrobat Sign integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365, our agents can populate a contract while on the phone talking to a prospect and press send. The prospect can electronically sign while on the phone with us without any hold up. It’s a far more engaging process."

— Piran Scott, Divisional Finance Director, Lifetime Training

Hitachi Solutions

"The integration between Acrobat Sign and Microsoft Dynamics 365 ultimately benefits our bottom line by allowing us to complete contracts faster so staff can start working on client projects much sooner."

— Simon Drake, Senior Vice President and UK General Manager, Hitachi Solutions Europe, Ltd.

The assurance you need, from the company you trust.

Security. Protect your data, your documents and your company with industry-leading security resources from Adobe.


Compliance. Adobe Document Cloud solutions meet the most demanding industry and regulatory requirements — making it easy for you to ensure compliance and collect legal e-signature or authenticate signers using Government ID verification.


Control. Get the control you need to deploy and manage with our enterprise deployment resources and admin guides.

Microsoft + other Adobe integrations

Create and share PDFs right in your Office 365 applications. You can also send documents for signature and track status in Word, PowerPoint and Outlook.

Use Document Cloud solutions with SharePoint to streamline your document workflows. Get agreements signed instantly and work seamlessly with PDF files. 

Combined with Acrobat Sign, give your HR team the tools they need to quickly extend offers to and hire top candidates.

Dynamics 365 also integrates with other Adobe solutions. Personalise web content with Adobe Experience Manager and integrate your sales and marketing with Adobe Campaign.

Want to know more?

Whether you need some basic information about our solutions or you’d like a customised quote for your unique environment, we’re here to help you to get your questions answered.