
Dreamweaver Documentation


Table of Contents

  1. Extending Dreamweaver 8 errata
  2. Dreamweaver API Reference errata


This function has eight arguments, described here, rather than five as described in Help.


Dreamweaver 1, enhanced in 2, 3, and 4.


Opens the specified type of dialog box with the specified label in the title bar.


openSelectOrSave, {titleBarLabel}, {bShowPreviewPane}, {bSupressSiteRootWarnings}, {arrayOfExtensions}, [startFolder], [dynamicURLs], [browseURL] 
  • The openSelectOrSave argument is a string that indicates the type of dialog box as "open", "select", "select_dynamic", or "save".
  • The titleBarLabel argument (added in Dreamweaver 2) is the label that should appear in the title bar of the dialog box. If this argument is omitted, Dreamweaver uses the default label that the operating system supplies.
  • The bShowPreviewPane argument (added in Dreamweaver 2) is a Boolean value that indicates whether to display the Image Preview Pane in the dialog box. If this argument is a value of true, the dialog box filters for image files; if omitted, it defaults to a value of false.
  • The bSupressSiteRootWarnings argument (added in Dreamweaver 3) is a Boolean value that indicates whether to suppress warnings about the selected file being outside the site root. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to a value of false.
  • The arrayOfExtensions argument (added in Dreamweaver 4) is an array of strings for specifying default content for the Files of type list menu at the bottom of the dialog box. The proper syntax is menuEntryText|.xxx[;.yyy;.zzz]|CCCC|, where menuEntryText is the name of the file type to appear. The extensions can be specified as .xxx[;.yyy;.zzz] or CCCC, where .xxx specifies the file extension for the file type (optionally, .yyy and .zzz specify multiple file extensions) and CCCC is the four-character file type constant for the Macintosh.
  • The startFolder argument is a String that specifies the name of a folder in which to start browsing.
  • The dynamicURLs argument is a Boolean value that specifies whether dynamic URLs or parameters are allowed. If this argument is omitted, defaults to false.
  • The browseURL is a String that specifies the URL with which to browse.


A string that contains the name of the file, which is expressed as a file:// URL.


The following example opens a dialog box that allows you to browse and select a file to open.

  dw.browseForFileURL("open","Choose file to open", false);