
LiveCycle products

Adobe LiveCycle Support Service Level Agreements

Adobe Livecycle Support works with its customers to ensure the reported technical issue is appropriately prioritized. At Adobe we base our response times and the actions we take to resolve your problem on an assessment of the impact of the reported technical issue on your business. The more serious the business impact, the higher the assigned priority. Accurately prioritizing your technical issue is critical to our mutual success. It is commonly understood between the parties that the customer will determine the service request priority and, when a request is submitted as a high-priority issue, a designated contact will be available to work with the Adobe LiveCycle Support team while we resolve your issue. The following guidelines will assist you in determining the appropriate priority level.

General rules

  • Adobe Service Level Agreements only pertain to Adobe customers with a valid Support agreement. 
  • For all cases, the issue must be reproducible by Adobe before beginning to track resolution targets.
  • For Priority 1 and 2 issues, if the Licensee is unable to provide a resource to assist us throughout the target period, the Priority Level for the support issue will be downgraded.
  • Support does not replace product training. To find a suitable product course contact an Adobe training partner for course availability.
  • Support does not enhance or develop custom solutions. For assistance in creating custom business solutions with Adobe products, please contact your Adobe account representative to help you connect with the Adobe Professional Services team or a certified Adobe solution provider.

Service Request Definitions


The problem results in extremely serious interruptions to a customer's production system and has affected, or could affect, the entire user community. Tasks that should be executed immediately cannot be executed because of a complete crash of the system, or by interruptions in main functions of the production system.  Data integrity is compromised. The service request requires immediate processing, as the problem can result in financial losses.


The problem results in serious interruptions to normal operations, or the issue will negatively impact an enterprise-wide production system roll out. In a production system, important tasks cannot be performed, but the error does not impair essential operations. Processing can still continue in a restricted manner. Data integrity may be at risk. In a development system, the problem hinders deployment. The service request requires timely processing, as the malfunction could cause serious interruptions to critical processes or negatively impact business decisions.


The problem causes interruptions in normal operations. It does not prevent operation of a system, or else there is minor degradation in performance. The error is attributed to malfunctioning or incorrect behavior of the software. The issue will impact a pilot or proof-of-concept deadline.


The problem results in minimal or no interruptions to normal operations (no business impacts). The issue consists of "how to" questions, installation and configuration inquiries, enhancement requests, or documentation questions.


Identical problem situations in test systems shall normally justify a priority that is one level lower than the equivalent priority in a production system.