What is an addendum? And how is it different from a contract amendment? While they can deliver similar results, these two contract-law terms are unique.
Ready to learn about contract addendum versus amendment? Keep reading to discover the definition of each term and how they function differently within contracts.

What is an addendum?

A contract addendum is a post-contract attachment that modifies, alters, or changes some of the terms of a previously established contract. Typically, this adds something new to a preexisting document. Once all parties in a contract agree to an addendum, it becomes a part of the new contract.


How does an addendum work?

Written after the fact compared to the original contract, an addendum (or several) can be added to the document at any time. Addendums are created to record any proposed changes to previously agreed-upon terms. Some may further limit the scope of a relationship, while others may broaden the range of terms where the contract applies. An addendum may sometimes make content in the original agreement void moving forward.

To add an addendum to a contract, the initiating party drafts the copy to outline the preferred changes. Entries can include anything from original text explaining a unique situation to other supporting documents such as brochures, rate charts, or blueprints, defining as much information as possible to ensure the new arrangements are precise.

When the addendum is drafted and ready, all affected parties must review and sign the document for it to take effect. Included signatures may be from witnesses or notaries. The signed addendum will be considered part of the contract once finalized.


Types of addendums.

All industries can use addendums to update or clarify terms in active contracts. From rental agreements to employment contracts, addendum modifications can be made to any arrangement between two or more parties if all agree on the new terms.

While most addendums take the form of documents added to the end of an existing contract, different types can be used depending on the enacted changes:

  • Clarification — explains terms from the original contract in more detail to eliminate confusion
  • Confidentiality — redefines what information can be shared with outside parties and what must remain private
  • Contingency — outlines terms or occurrences that could alter the viability of the contract
  • Execution — stipulates the individuals needed to approve a contract, including required signatures and the time frame for the contract’s expiration
  • Change — includes any alterations to the original terms because one or more parties believe the initial contract was too vague or limiting
A woman sits at a desk with a laptop in front of her while holding a piece of paper.

Example addendum.

Effective addendums are concise in language and detailed enough to eliminate any doubt regarding the requested changes to the contract. While addendums will vary depending on the type and the industry, here’s an example.

ADDENDUM No. 1 of 1

As applies to the affected parties:

John Doe (“The Seller”), located at 123 Main Street, Anywhere, MA 11111
and Jane Smith (“The Buyer”), located at 987 North Street, Anywhere, MA 11111

Regarding the existing contract for the sale of the home at 456 South Street, Anywhere, MA 11111, where the Seller and the Buyer have previously agreed to enter into an arrangement for the real estate transaction, the following inclusions will be added to the sale of the home at no additional cost to the Buyer:

  1. Washing machine

  2. Dryer

  3. Refrigerator

  4. Gas stove

  5. Deck furniture (one table, six chairs)

The signature of this agreement will apply the change to the sale of the home, pending July 31, 2024.

--- #2c2c2c

Buyer signature

--- #2c2c2c

Seller signature

--- #2c2c2c

Witness signature


What is a contract amendment?

A contract amendment is a document that changes an existing contract to correct, improve, or clarify information in the original document. In other words, an amendment alters a contract’s original terms and conditions by replacing a specific portion of that agreement.

How does an amendment work?

Amendments are usually more precise or smaller in scope than addendums. Instead of adding to the original contract, an amendment changes a part of the document for the long term rather than a one-off exception. They are particularly important to help everyone involved avoid unintentional breaches of contract that can occur as circumstances change.

To add an amendment to a contract, one party identifies a potential change to the initially agreed-upon terms and drafts a brief letter to propose specific changes. Amendments are commonly created to change:

  • The term or duration of the contract
  • The pricing of goods or services
  • The individuals responsible

The drafting party presents the letter to the other parties for review, redlining, and approval. Once all required individuals sign, the amendment becomes binding to the contract.

A man with his hand on his chin holds and looks at a piece of paper.

Example amendment.

Amendments are helpful in several situations, but one of the more common uses is to modify existing sales agreements. Here’s an example to get you started on your template.


As applies to the affected parties:

ABC Company (“The Seller”), located at 123 Main Street, Anywhere, MA 11111
and Jane Smith (“The Buyer”), located at 987 North Street, Anywhere, MA 11111

Regarding the existing contract for the purchase of 1,000 widgets, SKU #1659874, colorway: ultramarine, the parties included hereto agree to alter the original sales contract according to the following:

  1. Unit price. This amendment proposes to change the existing sale price from $6.00 to $7.50, including all available discounts and applicable taxes.

  2. Delivery. This amendment proposes changing the existing lead time on monthly in-hand deliveries from the 5th day of the month to the 3rd day of the month with no increase in shipping charges.

The signature of this agreement will apply the change to the contract pending July 31, 2024.

--- #2c2c2c

Buyer signature

--- #2c2c2c

Seller signature

--- #2c2c2c

Witness signature


2 key differences between addendum vs amendment.

These two distinct contract processes function as follows:

1. An amendment is typically used to change something part of an original contract. Think of amendments as modifications to the earliest agreement (for example, altering an agreed-upon deadline).

Contract amendments are commonly used in service industries when clients wants to change or clarify a project scope.

2. An addendum clarifies and adds things not initially part of the original contract or agreement. Think of addendums as additions to the original agreement (for example, adding a deadline where none existed in the original version).

For a contract addendum to be legally enforceable, all contracts must be executed appropriately with intent — indicating that all parties involved are fully aware of the new scope and are actively agreeing to it.


Easily sign your addendum for faster business processes.

With a better understanding of addendums and amendments, you can be more confident putting together your business communications and contracts. Since both imply alterations to existing contract terms, you’ll want to get all the necessary signatures on file to verify the changes.

Going digital can make gathering signatures quicker, easier, and more secure. To streamline your document management and e-signature processes, turn to Adobe Acrobat for business. Our full suite of tools encompasses everything you need to ensure the creation and execution of your documents run smoothly, right down to e-signatures on mobile.

Frequently asked questions.

Can you add an amendment to an addendum?

A contract amendment can be made on a preexisting contract addendum. However, amending the scope of the original contract may be more efficient if possible and agreeable to all parties involved.

Amending a contract addendum can be simple and mimics the process of submitting an amendment to a regular contract. General recommendations include:

  • Keeping everything in writing. Clarify the amendment, outlining the exact scope elements of the changing addendum. You will want to reference the title of the original contract to keep everyone visually aware of the scope change.
  • Ensuring intent at every stage. Intent must be present for any contract or amendment to be legally enforceable. Work to document this wherever possible to supplement your process.
  • Walking away with fresh, new signatures. Every time you amend an agreement of any type, obtain the signatures of all parties involved to prevent future legal complications.

When can a contract be updated with an addendum vs amendment?

Changes can be proposed to a contract at any time. Remember, making changes before a contract is signed and executed by the required parties is easier and quicker, as the addendum or amendment will require additional review and signature.

Do I have to get an addendum or amendment signed?

Since you are making changes to an existing contract, even the smallest alterations must be reviewed and approved by all parties via signature. Once approval is complete, the changes become a part of the original contract. Reviews also help prevent one party from making changes to an agreement without the other party’s consent.

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