Benefits of eBooks in schools for students.

A male student reads an eBook for school on his laptop.
Learn about how eBooks can engage learners at every level.

Technology has transformed the way we work, the way we get around, the way we live our lives. So it’s no surprise that it’s also transformed the way we learn. There are many opinions about how eBooks play a role in education. This article will explore the benefits of eBooks in schools.

Today, online eBooks — short for electronic books — can make education easier, more convenient, and more affordable. Discover how eBooks can help students learn in new and impactful ways.

What is required to read eBooks in schools?

As technology continues to shape the way we live and learn, it’s no surprise that schools are increasingly turning to digital books as a cost-effective and efficient way to provide educational materials to students. However, to access these digital texts, students and teachers need specific devices and software.

Depending on the type of eBook and the school’s technological infrastructure, the required equipment can vary. Equipment such as Kindles, iPads, and laptops or desktop software such as a PDF reader can be vital to have in the classroom.

Can you request eBooks in schools as a teacher?

As a teacher, you may wonder if you can request eBooks in schools or even create them for your own curriculum. The answer is — it depends.

In some cases, teachers can request eBooks for their classes, but it ultimately depends on the school district’s policies and budget. Some schools may have already invested in digital textbooks or other digital books for students, while others may not have the resources to do so. If you’re interested in using eBooks for your classes, it’s worth reaching out to your school’s administration or technology department to see if it’s a possibility.

If your school can’t access eBooks that fit your curriculum needs, creating your own may be an option. There are many tools available for educators to create their own eBooks using free online software. However, keep in mind that creating your own eBook can be time-consuming, so it may not be feasible for all teachers. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that any eBooks you create adhere to copyright laws and are accessible to all students, regardless of ability.

Ultimately, whether you can request digital books for students or create them yourself may depend on the school’s policies, budget, and your own time constraints. However, as more schools continue to adopt digital learning materials, it’s worth exploring your options and seeing how eBooks can enhance your teaching and your students’ learning experience.

Advantages of eBooks for students and teachers.

There are many advantages to using eBooks, making them an appealing option for both in-class and remote learning. Here are some of the key benefits for students:

EBooks also benefit teachers in many ways, as they are:

Teachers can also reap additional benefits by creating their own eBooks to supplement course materials. Here are some of the advantages of creating eBooks:

Whether you’re looking to supplement traditional textbooks or create a comprehensive course package, eBooks offer a flexible and customizable solution that can benefit both teachers and students.

Supplement eBooks with PDFs for lesson plans.

Online PDFs are central to many eBook plans. Since they can be opened, read, and marked up just as easily as a regular textbook, they're a perfect replacement to save time, paper, and money. While eBooks can be a great resource for students, they may not always be suitable for lesson plans and other teaching materials. In some cases, it may be more effective to supplement eBooks with PDFs that contain lesson plans, worksheets, and other resources.

PDFs are a versatile file format that can be easily created and shared, making them an ideal choice for creating customized teaching materials. By supplementing eBooks with PDFs, teachers can provide students with a comprehensive set of materials that are tailored to their specific needs and learning styles.

More resources on digitization.

The benefits of eBooks in schools just scratch the surface of digitization. Here are additional resources on digitization, textbooks, and more:

Explore more about what you can do with Adobe Acrobat to enhance your educational experience, from extracting PDF pages, converting image files to PDF, compressing PDF size, and so much more.