How to convert a recipe to change yield and size.

A person in a kitchen uses a laptop to convert a recipe to change the yield and size.

Learn how to organize your recipe calculations for a group of any size.

Cooking for 12? But stuck with a recipe that yields four servings? Preparing a meal is enough work already — figuring out how to make the amounts work for the crowd you’re catering to shouldn’t be. The process for recipe calculation isn’t challenging once you know the basics. Skip the hassle by calculating your ingredient proportions ahead of time. Especially if you’re making a favorite recipe, it doesn’t hurt to have a few different versions depending on the size of the group you’re feeding.

What is yield in cooking?

When it comes to cooking, the term yield refers to the number of servings or the quantity of food that a recipe produces. It is the amount of food you can expect to have once the recipe is prepared. Yield is typically stated in terms of servings, such as four servings, eight servings, or any other specific number.

How to convert recipe formulas in excel

Using spreadsheet software like Excel, learn how to set up formulas to convert your recipe ingredients.

A person in a kitchen uses a laptop to convert a recipe to change the yield and size.

  • Create a spreadsheet. Start by setting up your spreadsheet based on the original recipe. List each ingredient. Then, list the measurements for each ingredient, according to the original serving size. Label this column as “original.”
  • List your preferred servings. Create columns for each preferred serving size, labeled accordingly. If you typically like downsizing the recipes to cook for 1 or 2, add columns for smaller servings. If you cook for larger groups, add columns for doubling or tripling the recipe. It’s better to be comprehensive so that you have flexibility when you’re cooking.
  • Calculate away. Always based on the “original” column, apply multiplication formulas to calculate different serving size quantities. For example, in a column where you’re halving or quartering the recipe, use a formula that multiplies the original recipe quantities by 0.5 or 0.25. If you’re doubling or tripling, use a formula that multiplies the original recipe quantities by 2 or 3.
  • Lock your work. Once you have a full list of quantity variations based on serving size, export your spreadsheet to a PDF to lock the formulas. (This also makes it easier to share with others who might not have the same spreadsheet software.)

Export as a PDF for recipe safekeeping.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments to the recipe, export and convert the spreadsheet to a PDF to lock the formulas. Locking the PDF prevents accidental changes to the recipe, ensuring that your adjustments remain intact. Saving and exporting the recipe as a PDF allows for easy access and sharing with others, whether printing physical copies or accessing it digitally on various devices.

Make recipe conversion easy and focus on what you love.

Converting recipes to change the yield and size doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By utilizing serving size calculators and taking advantage of PDF exports, you can simplify the process and focus on what you love most — cooking and creating delicious meals.

Simple tools can make recipe conversions more accessible and efficient. For example, Adobe Acrobat allows you to easily lock, save, and export recipes as PDFs. This ensures that your adjusted recipes remain secure and readily available whenever you need them.

Learn more about how you can use Acrobat to make the mundane parts of cooking easier so you can enjoy the fun, creative parts that you love.