What to include in a daily self-care checklist.

A woman in a living room creates a self-care checklist.

Master your well-being with a self-care checklist. Boost mental, physical, and emotional health effortlessly.

Spend any time on social media, and it’s easy to get the impression that self-care is all about bubble baths, cappuccinos, and champagne — but it’s so much more than that. Read this article to learn more about self-care and how a checklist can help you ensure you make time to take care of yourself.

Why create a self-care checklist?

Practicing self-care can serve as a way for you to check in with how you’re feeling, look after your health, and even prevent burnout.

Some reasons you may want to create a self-care list are to:

Create a daily self-care checklist.

There are many forms of self-care, and different people will find different activities beneficial. To some, it can be taking a long walk or curling up with a good book. To others, it might mean getting finances in order and paying bills on time.

When creating your own daily self-care list, start by creating a to-do list online or on paper, then write down or brainstorm activities you find meaningful or helpful.

To help you get started, here are just some ideas for practicing self-care:

Create a mental health self-care checklist.

Taking care of your mental health is a priority when it comes to overall well-being and happiness. By creating a mental health self-care list, you can effectively check and track that you are, in fact, prioritizing your mental health by incorporating activities and habits that help you reduce stress and improve your emotional resilience.

Below are some ideas of items you can add to your mental health self-care checklist:

Examples of a self-care routine checklist.

Now that you have some ideas of what to include in a general self-care checklist or a mental health-focused one, you can create your own self-care routine checklist.

These checklists will help you develop some daily habits for when you wake up in the morning and right before you go to sleep.

Morning self-care routine checklist.

Night self-care routine checklist.

Save your self-care checklist as a PDF for easy access.

Once you’ve taken the time to create your own daily checklist, you can tape it inside a journal or convert the checklist to a PDF so you can easily view it on your computer or mobile device.

Either way, it’s helpful to place it somewhere highly visible so you can gain inspiration every day.

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