Follow these steps to convert EPS to PDF.
Architects, designers, and other professionals and artists use computer drawing applications to create EPS files. To share these graphics with colleagues and collaborators, learn how to convert them to PDF.
You may use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files to produce images, drawings, or layouts. EPS files are handy because they can contain both text and graphics. The encapsulated information can describe a vector image and include a bitmap image preview. For presenting and sharing images created in an EPS format, you’ll want to convert it to something more common, like PDF.
What is an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file?
Developed by Adobe in 1992, this format is used to export and import one page of formatted text, graphics, and images. These files can be put with another Postscript file. EPS files are widely used in the publishing industry because they can easily share graphics and images with another person regardless of their operating system. The files have a bitmap preview, allowing applications that are unable to interpret postscript code to render a lower resolution version of a file. EPS files end with “.eps” and will contain a minimum of two Document Structuring Conventions (DSC) header comments.
How to convert EPS files to PDF.
PDF is a standard for file sharing. It is ideal for professionals, students, or anyone that needs to share or present documents. To be sure that your colleagues can view your graphics and drawings without special software, you can easily convert the files to PDFs before sending.
Open Acrobat online services, and follow these five easy steps to convert EPS graphics to PDF.
- Navigate to the Convert PDF option from the Tools menu.
- Click on the blue “Select a file” button and navigate to the EPS file’s location.
- Click on the EPS file.
- Choose Create.
- Click the Save icon to save your new PDF to the desired location.
Do more than convert EPS to PDF.
EPS files are great for creating drawings and images, but you may need special viewer software to see them. To make sure your graphics are available to everyone, save them as PDFs before sharing them.
Now that you’ve converted your EPS files, discover everything else you can do with Adobe Acrobat to work with PDFs, convert images to PDF format, compress files, and more.