How to create a drip effect in Photoshop.

Want to add some liquidity to your photo? Learn how to create a drip effect in Photoshop to make your image look like it’s melting.

You don’t have to be Salvador Dali to make objects look like they’re dripping or melting. It’s easy to add a drip effect in Adobe Photoshop with a few quick steps and the right tools for the job.

Follow these steps to add a drip effect.

A few drips here and there are a great way to add more intrigue and surrealism to your photo. Open your image and follow these simple steps to create a realistic drip effect in Photoshop:

  1. Duplicate your background into a new layer, and in the top layer, remove the subject you want to “drip” from the rest of the background using whichever method you like best.
  2. Change the separated subject to a Smart Object by highlighting the new layer and then follow the Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object steps.
  3. Once the layer converts, click Filter and find Liquify.
  4. Click on the Brush Tool Options and change the settings to fit your creative vision. Use the Forward Warp Tool to click and drag from top to bottom, creating the dripping effect. Change the settings and repeat as much as desired.
  5. Once you’re happy with the effect, click OK to apply and add to the canvas.

After you click the OK button, your drippy subject will find its way back to your canvas and be ready to integrate with the rest of the image.

Integrate and adjust to perfection.

While your subject might have the drip effect you desired, there’s still some work ahead. From here, you can move the subject, adjust the levels, and add shadows and highlights to make the dripping object look like it’s a part of the rest of the image.

Learn more photography tips and tricks. Then, discover everything you can do with Photoshop to create stunning effects for all your photos and images.