
In the past year, generative artificial intelligence has captured the world’s imagination. This powerful type of artificial intelligence (AI) can create new content based on patterns it learns from existing data. That data varies but can include photos, songs, writing and other content. Generative AI can make fantastical images, write poetry or code and even produce a rap track that sounds like the real thing.

Soon, generative AI will be as central to our lives as the smart phone. Yet to many, generative AI is a mystery. Let’s look at what generative AI is, what it’s not and how it might change our lives at work and at home.

Understanding generative AI.

Defining generative AI.

highly detailed little bird on a cobble street with palm trees

Prompt: highly detailed little bird on a cobble street with palm trees

AI vs. generative AI.

Why generative intelligence is so intelligent.

three labradoodle puppies run on the grass

Prompt: three labradoodle puppies run on the grass

Applications of generative AI.

Corporations and generative AI.

Individuals and generative AI.

interior Design, a perspective of of a living room and a kitchen with an island, large windows with natural light, Light colors, vegetation, modern furniture, skylight, modern minimalistic design

Prompt: interior Design, a perspective of of a sitting room and a kitchen with an island, large windows with natural light, Light colours, vegetation, modern furniture, skylight, modern minimalistic design

Benefits and advantages of generative AI.

Generative AI can understand large amounts of intricate data much more quickly than humans can. This fact is behind two key potential benefits of generative AI:

  1. Greater productivity
  2. Improved efficiency
    Imagine you work at a company that shops its proprietary information in written reports, spreadsheets, relational databases and even graphical charts. You can harness generative AI to analyse all of those sources, make connections between them and answer your questions. The AI can even share recommendations based on its synthesis.

    Boosts in productivity and efficiency are likely across many industries. If you’re a marketing manager at a small business, generative AI can help you quickly resize an online ad to match the specs of the many places it will appear. Then you can work with generative AI to report on the asset performance, spotting trends and opportunities you can roll into the next wave of marketing.

    There’s a third key potential benefit of generative AI:
  3. Enhanced creativity
    People, of course, are capable of great creativity. But even the best of us can be stuck in a rut. For example, Graphic designers can use AI as a brainstorming partner. It can produce novel ideas that send you in different directions, like a kaleidoscope that makes a familiar view fresh. In these cases, AI is not so much a virtual expert as it is your creative copilot.

Limitations and challenges of generative AI.

Generative AI’s capabilities are so astonishing that it can be easy to lose sight of its limitations. Here are several challenges to overcome.

The AI isn’t always right.

As we talked about in the section “Applications of Generative AI,” generative AI tools like ChatGPT are not always factually accurate. There may come a time when finetuned datasets and algorithms reduce the risk, but in the meantime, we humans must be sceptical consumers of what we read. Validate the information by comparing it to a trusted source.

Bias can be anywhere.

Fact-checking is relatively easy. Blocking societal biases, such as those around gender or race, from generative AI results is more difficult. Yet that too is necessary. To prevent societal biases from appearing in generative AI results, the people responsible for the AI must identify and mitigate bias from design to development to deployment and be committed to ongoing oversight.

As users, we can also help root out bias. Say you enter the text prompt “scientist in a lab coat holding a test tube” into an AI art generator. Do the results only show one type of person, no matter how many times you click the “generate” button? You could send a message to the makers of the generator about the blind spot and then refine your text prompt to produce more diverse results.

scientist in a lab coat holding a test tube

Prompt: scientist in a lab coat holding a test tube

Generative AI can use a lot of energy.

Companies developing generative AI tools should also be aware of the energy currently necessary to train and maintain these tools. The industry is waking up to the need to reduce its carbon footprint, but there’s still a long way to go.

Intellectual property rights are an issue.

Professional creators are rightfully concerned about copyright infringement. These concerns are currently being addressed by the courts. Adobe is one example of a company working to assist creators. In addition to developing Firefly’s generative AI responsibly, Adobe is also helping create industry standards through the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and working toward a universal “Do Not Train” tag that lets creators control whether allow AI models can train on their work.

Integrating generative AI into your workflow.

Embrace the future of design with Adobe Firefly’s generative AI.

a Japanese tea garden

Prompt: a Japanese tea garden


What is generative AI and how does it work?
Generative artificial intelligence is a branch of AI that focuses on creating or producing new content, such as images, music or text, through algorithms and machine learning models. Generative AI typically requires user input, like a text prompt, to generate a corresponding output, including text, image, music or video.
What are the practical applications of generative AI?
There are many practical applications of generative AI, including writing computer code, creating imagery and video, summarising reports, analysing sales data and serving customers.
How does generative AI differ from other types of AI?
Artificial intelligence is broadly defined as machines mimicking human intelligence to perform tasks. Generative AI focuses on creating or producing new content, such as images, music or text, through algorithms and machine learning models. Generative AI typically requires user input to generate a corresponding output.
What are the benefits and limitations of generative AI?
Potential key benefits of artificial intelligence include improved efficiency, greater productivity and enhanced creativity. Limitations include inaccurate information, bias promotion, copyright infringement and energy consumption.
How can businesses and individuals integrate generative AI into their processes?
Businesses and individuals can look for places in their workflows where they could benefit from additional efficiency, productivity or creativity. Businesses integrating generative AI should review generated results for accuracy, bias and copyright infringement, while allowing employees to drive concepting and strategy. Individuals can use generative AI tools for work and play while being careful with their personal information.


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