| Modeler
Sep. 29, 2022
Substance 3D Modeler: A new VR Modeling Experience at ISD Rubika
Adobe and le Cycle partner to expand students' design skills
The aim of this workshop was for students to try out VR modeling in Modeler and see how this new workflow could boost their creativity. It was also a great opportunity for the designers of tomorrow to get access to unreleased software and participate in the development by providing extensive feedback on their experience.
For the students, it was an entirely new way of working, and in just a few days, they were able to fully model a helmet, the benefit of Modeler being that you can switch from VR to desktop seamlessly. The smooth integration with other Substance 3D software allowed them to also explore tools such as Painter or Stager, for texturing and rendering respectively.

Are you a student or teacher and searching to extend your skills into 3D?
Our education offer makes the Substance 3D toolset completely free for students and educators. See FAQs.