How to write an electronic check and sign it.

A woman uses her laptop to sign a check electronically.

Take your checks online with digital signatures.

Can you electronically sign a check? If you own a business, you know that the one thing that remains constant is paying people. Billing clients, paying vendors, issuing pay stubs, processing orders, the list of people to pay goes on and on. Save yourself time by printing digitally signed checks for your business transactions. Learn how to write an electronic check and sign it so you can transition to digital signatures for your financial transactions.

What is an electronic check?

An electronic check, or e-check, is a digital version of the classic paper check you might write to pay bills. Instead of writing it out by hand and mailing it, an e-check lets you make payments and transfer money online. You can do this through your bank’s website or other secure payment systems. It’s good to know how to sign a check electronically since it’s a convenient and secure way to handle your finances without paper checks, making it easier while reducing the use of paper in the process.

Can you electronically sign a check for all payments?

No, electronic signatures are not universally accepted for all payments. While they are widely used for various transactions, exceptions exist. Some government documents, high-value transactions, and specific legal or financial agreements may still require physical signatures to ensure compliance and authenticity. It’s crucial to verify the specific requirements of each transaction or organization to determine whether electronic signatures are acceptable.

How to sign a check electronically.

To electronically sign a check, you can usually use your bank’s website or a trusted mobile app. First, log in to your account and find the option for electronic checks or digital payments. Fill in the recipient’s details and payment amount, and choose the account from which the money will be deducted. Follow the instructions to create your electronic signature, which might involve typing, drawing, or using a secure PIN. Double-check the payment details, then confirm to send the electronic check to the recipient.

How to send an electronic check once signed.

Once you’ve signed an electronic check, there are two primary methods to send it. If you’re using an online banking platform, you can often send it directly online. Simply select the send or submit option provided by the platform, and the check will be electronically delivered to the recipient. If this option isn’t available or preferred, you can choose to print the check and send it physically through traditional mail. This allows you to provide a paper copy of the check to the recipient, and then they can deposit it.

How do e-signatures work with electronic checks?

Together, the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) place electronic signatures on the same legal footing as hard-copy signatures. Because of these pieces of legislation, you can use certified electronic signatures for your business transactions, including on checks.

How can I use an electronic signature for my business?

If you’re already printing your own business checks, many authorized e-signature platforms will allow you to print your digitally scanned signatures onto those checks. This includes simply writing your signature on a piece of paper, scanning it to your computer with a specific aspect ratio, and saving it as a JPG.

What’s the benefit of using an e-signature on my electronic checks?

Having an electronic signature eliminates the need for you to manually sign all your checks, making it easy to get payments out the door. You can also designate signing rules to safeguard any major purchases from slipping through the cracks.

Save time and money with electronic signatures.

Using electronic signatures can be a real game-changer when it comes to saving both time and money. Instead of dealing with piles of paper and postage, electronic signatures make handling documents much quicker and cheaper. Exploring how to sign documents electronically is not only efficient but also essential in today’s digital age, especially when dealing with business documents that require signatures, such as checks.

Explore how you can secure your electronic signatures and save your business time and money.