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Modifying connection strings to the database

If you used a connection string to connect to the database during development and you want to use a connection string to the deployed database, you must modify the string in UltraDev so that it points to the deployed database. You must then upload the connection string to the host server.

To modify the connection string in UltraDev:

1 Choose Modify > Connections.
The Connections dialog box appears.
2 Select the connection from the list and click Edit.
The Custom Connection String dialog appears.
3 Modify the string parameters so that the connection points to the deployed database.
If necessary, consult your database administrator for the correct settings.
Note: If you're an ASP developer with a file-based database and don't know the physical path to the database on the host server (as is sometimes the case when using a commercial ISP), you can find the path using a special ASP method. For instructions, see the Support Center article "Connecting to a database deployed on an ISP."
4 Select the Using Driver on Application Server option.
Macintosh users can ignore this step because all database connections use the application server.
5 Click Test.
UltraDev attempts to connect to the deployed database. If the connection fails, double-check the connection string. Also, make sure the database is deployed and the appropriate database driver is installed on the server hosting the application files.
6 After successfully testing the connection, click OK, then click Done.
The connection string is saved in an include file in the Connections folder in the site's local root folder.
7 Upload the updated include file to the host server by switching to the UltraDev Site window (Site > Site Files), selecting the Connections folder in the site's local root folder, and clicking the blue up-arrow.
When a page in your application is requested, the Web server will copy the include file's contents into the page's code before passing the page on to the application server. The application server will read the connection string in the page and connect to the database.
UltraDev will now connect to the deployed database when you work on the dynamic pages.

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