Consulting invoicing tips and tricks.
Learn how to use a professional services invoice template to bill clients for consulting services.
Consulting companies don’t have products they can easily list on an invoice. If you provide professional services, you need to include enough detail on your invoices so the client understands exactly what they’re paying for. Learn what goes into consulting invoicing so you can create and send invoices that are clear, include all relevant information, and reflect your business.
Should I break down hours for consulting invoicing?
Your consultant invoice should include a detailed breakdown of the hours you spent providing services, especially if you and your client agreed on an hourly rate. If you agree to a flat fee or a fixed number of hours per week, your consulting invoicing documents don’t need a detailed hourly breakdown.
However, hourly breakdown invoicing may be required in some situations. Let’s say you and your client agreed to five hours of consulting service per week, which includes three one-hour video meetings and up to 20 emails, which you equate to two hours of work. If they exceed those terms and you plan to bill them for the difference, provide a breakdown of the extra hours you spent providing consulting services.
As you increase your knowledge about how to write an invoice for consulting services, you’ll become more skilled in tailoring each document to the preferences of each client.
How to create a professional invoice for consulting services.
The best way to invoice clients is to use a detailed template. When you need to create a consulting invoice template, Excel is a quick, easy, and free option. However, your consulting services invoice will probably be pretty basic.
Adobe Acrobat for business provides pre-built forms you can use to create an independent consultant invoice template. Use our user-friendly tools to adjust everything from text and terms to the color and logo.
Use a header with your consulting business details.
The header is the first thing clients see when they open the invoice. Make it clear who the invoice is from by including your business information:
- Your company name and logo
- Your business contact information, including address, email, and phone number
- The word invoice, so clients instantly know what it is
Use a professional-looking design that fits your business. Rainbow-colored, swirly fonts don’t exactly scream professional. Stick with colors that fit your company’s branding, and keep designs simple.
Information to include in a consultant invoice.
The point of an invoice is to show services rendered. Include all the information clients need to understand what they’re being billed for and how to pay:
- Invoice date and number
- Itemized list of services, including hourly consulting rates, number of hours worked, and the date the services were provided
- Subtotal of charges
- Payment terms and due date
You should also include your client’s contact information. For larger companies, make sure the invoice is addressed to the right person or department for a smoother payment process.
Sample professional services invoice.
[Company Name]
[Your Company Slogan]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP]
Invoice [#]
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP]
Ship to:
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, State ZIP]
[Comments or special instructions]
Make all checks payable to [Company Name].
If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please contact [Name, phone, email].
Thank you for your business!
Download a professional services invoice template.
The best way to make sure you don’t forget any information is to download a template. An independent consultant invoice template will also help solidify your professionalism and protect your profitability by clearly conveying the cost of your services. When you create an invoice template from one that already exists, you can skip the design stage and create professional invoices with less time and effort.
Should my invoice for consulting services include a signature line?
Do invoices have to be signed to be legal? Not necessarily. However, signing your invoices and including a signature line for your clients can help with the legality of enforcing the document in the event of a dispute.
Adding a signature line to your invoices can help by:
- Providing clear evidence that your customer received and reviewed the document
- Indicating that the client approved the transaction and agreed to your terms
- Reducing your exposure to fraud or tampering
- Instilling confidence in your professionalism
The bottom line is that most types of invoices should include a signature line. Adding one only takes a few seconds, especially when using dynamic tools like Acrobat for business.
Tools to simplify the consulting invoicing process.
Many consulting companies require customer signatures for invoice approvals. Instead of dealing with printers and scanners, use an online signature software like Acrobat to add electronic signatures remotely and keep the invoice payment process moving. Our independent consultant invoice template makes it easy to create, customize, and electronically sign billing documents.
Explore more about what you can do with Acrobat for business and discover how easy creating professional invoices can be.