How to create a real estate listing checklist.

A woman sitting at a desk works on a pre-listing checklist for real estate.

Make your next real estate listing a successful one with these checklists. You can use the pre-listing checklist and property promotion checklist to get your next listing off on the right foot.

Listing a new real estate property is a lot of work. With so many moving parts, listings can be a headache for most real estate agents. Here are two checklists to get your next listing off on the right foot.

The importance of a listing checklist for real estate agents.

A real estate checklist for agents helps organize tasks before a listing appointment so you are ready to hit the ground running once you’re at the appointment. The list should contain and organize a pre-listing package, prepare a listing presentation, and draft a CMA and listing agreement.

A listing checklist for real estate agents smooths out the process by:

By creating a pre-listing checklist, you can quickly prepare your listing to show without having to scramble to finish tasks at the last minute or duplicate your work.

Checklist 1 — pre-listing and listing checklist.

Before you can start trying to sell the property, you have to prep the listing. Use this real estate listing checklist to get started:

Remember to copy and paste this list somewhere that’s easy to access. Use a PDF or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to keep track of progress.

Checklist 2 — real estate listing checklist for property promotion.

The last part of your real estate listing checklist PDF or spreadsheet should include advertising. This is how you get the word out and let buyers know there’s a new property available. Put these tasks on a separate marketing list:

Create a reusable real estate listing checklist PDF.

A real estate listing checklist sets you up for long-term success and helps your clients make an informed decision when buying a home. Once finished, you may want to convert your new real estate agent checklist to a PDF. Converting your checklist to a PDF ensures that it’s easily readable and viewable on any device you and your clients may use.

Share your reusable real estate listing checklist with our step-by-step guide on how to send a secure PDF. Remember to copy and paste your list somewhere that’s easy to access. If using Excel, convert a spreadsheet to a PDF to keep track of progress.

Discover how Adobe Acrobat can help you with your next real estate listing. And learn more about how Adobe Acrobat online services can help you manage listings on the go.