If you've used shared web prototypes in the past, you probably know how powerful viewing and commenting can be for your stakeholders. With the latest release of Adobe XD, that commenting feature is now available in mobile, web prototypes in addition to a desktop browser giving your stakeholders even more control over when and where they review your work. Let me give you a quick tour of these capabilities.
I'm here in a mobile prototype. This is basically a web browser that's running on my mobile device. I had a URL that was sent to me that when I clicked on it opened up the web browser and brought me into the Prototype. Notice, I can go ahead and press and drag between artboards to see what a drag Behavior would be like. I can click on an individual button which will navigate me to another artboard. If at any time as I'm working I decide I want to add a comment, what I can do is use two fingers to pinch which takes me out to the navigation mode. On the left-hand side, I have the ability to click the home button which will take me back to the beginning of the sequence. I have left and right arrows that allow me to just jump between individual artboards. At any time, I can click back within that artboard to begin that navigation and pinch once again to step back out. If I'm ready to add comments on a particular artboard what I can do is click on this center commenting icon which takes me into that commenting mode. What I want to do is go ahead and click in the make comment area and I'll go ahead and decide when I want that comment to be. I'll say something along the lines of Can this image be made a bit lighter.
From there if I click on the image, it will minimize that commenting field. I can then come in and select the pin by clicking on the icon. And, then just tap the location where I want to drop that pin that correlates with my comment. Once I've done that I can go ahead and submit the comment and notice that it's now been added into the sequence here. All of the other commenting capabilities that I'm familiar with continue to be available here as well. So, I can come in and edit the comment that I've just submitted. If I'm the designer, I can jump back in and reply to that comment. As the designer, I can delete it once I'm done taking that in and adjusting my design.
This is just another way that the XD team is working to make sure that you and your stakeholders have access to view and provide feedback across all of the prototyping experiences possible. I encourage you to give this new capability a try.